chapter 8

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Aubury's POV

I have been cuffed to the bed for a about a week now. It is really quiet now, I think they all went somewhere. Here comes Jace now. "Sarah.." He still didn't know my real name. "Sarah, Lily wedding is today and if we make a deal you can go." She is getting married to today but not to her real mate. "Jace  Paul is not her real mate and if you let her marry him I will never forgive you for that. What Paul isn't her mate. No now go get her!" He ran out of the room yelling back thank you and I love you. How could he love me he doesn't even know me. It has been probably about fifteen minutes since he left. I am so bored. 

Wait I here someone. They are coming up the steps there at least two people. Lily and Jace can't be back already. The door opens. Its Steve and Mike! I try to mov away but I am yanked back by the handcuff. It cuts and digs into my skin. "Well well look who we found Mike. I hated waiting for so long till I could finally see you. I was a little scared you almost killed yourself. Who would I play with then? Maybe Lilly? Well if tell anyone she is next got it." I couldn't talk so I just nodded. "Mike you take first watch." Mike left the room and Steve approached me. Silent tears slid down my face. MAybe if I yell Jace will hear me. He is my mate so hopefully. I sucked in a deep breath. PUNCH. Steve hit me in the stomach I lost all the air. He gripped my hair and pulled my head toward him. "Don't you dare think about yelling again. He duck tapped my mouth shut. I had my free hand wrapped around me. He ripped it away and cuffed it to the other side of the bed. It was almost not long enough to reach. every time I moved the cuffs would dig deeper into my wrist.

He cut off my clothes and threw them on the ground. I was handcuffed naked to a bed with Steve and Mike. It was my living nightmare.He forced my legs apart and plunged into me. I struggled trying to get free only harming myself in the process. He punched and slapped me every time I tried to move. After he was done he got up and traded place with Mike. He did the same and then he put a pair of shorts and a strapless bra on my body. I couldn't feel anything I had gone completely numb. i didn't feel him unlock the cuffs or hear them threatening Lily for the last time before they left. 

It could have been days later but it must have been hours till Jace and Lily came running through the door. I think they were screaming my name but it was like they were barely talking in a whisper. I looked over and Lily dropped to the floor as soon as she saw me. I could feel the bruises already starting to form and I knew tears flowed down my face. Some guy came in and I backed my self into a corner off the bed on the floor. Held Lily so gently, that must be her real mate. Jace looked like he was going to rip someone's head off.

All I could process was 'he came back. they came back.'. Lily came over to me and sat in front of me. She grabbed my face and held it steady. I started focusing on her. Finally some words getting through. I heard this sobbing crying sound but couldn't find where it was coming from. Then I realised it was me and I talking "he came back. they came back." Lily was crying too. Then it came back to me they raped me and she was next. I refocused I needed to push all my emotions deep down, get rid of them all stay strong for Lily. I pulled myself together. Lily was still talking to me.

"Aubury who did this what happened? Tell me please. Thank you so much from saving me from marrying Paul. Please let me help you." i cleared my throat and then spoke "Lily they said they hurt you too. Run never look back they will come back for me but they don't have to get you too. I will never let them take her! Who is it I will kill them." The strange guy was now yelling and talking to Jace planning or something. "Thats my mate Adam. We worked everything out. Good now don't go anywhere alone promise Lily. I promise Aubury but you need to tell us who they are and your story. I can't I am not ready. I...I..I can't. Well when your ready I will be down the hall." She took Adam's hand and left quietly. Jace was still really angry I got up and went in to take a shower. 

I walked back into the room in a tshirt and shorts. Jace wasn't there I went back to the corner and lent on the wall. Eventually I slid down to the floor. i pulled my knees to my chest and rocked back and forth. I just thought about everything that happened. How was my life so screwed up. Why me? When I looked up I flinched back. Jace was sitting right in front of me. "Good now that I have your attention. Please just hear me out. I didn't mean what I said just changing you with out your consent and stuff. I was just angry cause you don't feel the same way yet. I know I sound crazy but one day you will feel the same way I do. It pains me every minute away from you. It hurts more I can't hold you, touch or even kiss your perfect pink lips. But most of all I feel like killing who ever hurt you and throwing myself off a building for not protecting you. i didn't even know your real name. Aubury I love you with every inch of me. Please let me be there for you.

I opened my arms. He pulled me to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. He just held me close. Kissing my head, smelling my hair and just being there for me. It felt so right I never wanted to leave his embrace. Everywhere he touched sent tingles and sparks. It left a warm spot that warmed me all  over. Then someone knocked on the door.

I made no move to let go of him.. and he was okay with that I think. He picked us both off the ground and walked over to the door. He opened it to reveal..........

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