chapter 11

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Jace's POV

I followed her as soon as Adam got back demanding where Lily was. I followed her scent into town and had a couple pack members in the wood just incase. Lily was standing in front of two men. They smelt like the ones who had been in the room they were the ones that hurt my baby. I was going to kill them and keep her safe. Then one of them told her to decide. She answered but only stalling I saw her glance at the road but there was a car. She couldn't go into the street without getting hit. Then she flung herself back into the road the SUV hitting her dead on. She flew back and into the ground. I ran over and pulled out my phone and called for an ambulance. 

I ordered my pack to hunt and kill the two bastards who had ran away. I held my baby's hand her eyes were closed but she was still breathing. We went to the hospital and I sat in the waiting room. I called my family to let them know what had happened. Soon they too sat in the waiting room waiting. I knew she was a runaway so when they asked for someone to fill out her info I put her under my last name. I can't wait for the day we get married, it will be beautiful. She can have anything she wants.

Abury's POv

I heard things before I saw them. I heard the door open and someone walk in. "Her vitals are stable she can wake from the coma anytime now. Okay thank you doctor." Jace was sitting right next to me and I heard the doctor leave. He held my hand and kissed my forehead. My heart sped up as he kissed my face. "Baby, Aubury can you hear me? Please baby try to wake up I miss you so much. I need you to come back to me. I love you so much and I will protect you better I promise if I loose you life won't be worth living." He sighed and laid his head down on my stomach and my heart accelerated again. He chuckled and just stayed like that. 

Soon I could hear his snores and him talking in his sleep. It was cute he said my name a lot. I heard the door open and tried to stay calm. They came over to the bed and sat down. "Hey Aubury its Lily. I just wanted to tell you we all really miss you. Especially Jace he isn't eating and sleeping well, also we all love you. Just try your best to get back to us.

For the next three days I was stuck just hearing things. People visited everyday saying encouraging words and that they miss me. Jace left only to go to the bathroom and get food. But it wasn't very often for either. He talked and kissed me and did everything he could. 

I woke up feeling good today I was going to force myself to move.  I started off small and tried to wiggle my toes. I got my big toe to move after a few minutes and slowly the rest started to move. "Thats good baby keep going!" Jace said as he noticed my toes moving. I traveled up my body all the way to my face. The doctor was now in and encouraging me also. I moved my hand and gripped Jace's. I could hear the excitement in his voice. "Alright now Aubury try to open your eyes" said the doctor. I tried but they felt like brick walls. "It might be she has gone blind from the impact to her head" the doctor said. I am so not going to be blind. I tired a couple more times and finally opened my eyes. I blinked a couple times from the light and looked around. The room was small and Jace, and the doctor were the only ones inside. 

"Do you remeber who you are?  Yes I am Aubury. Good, good now do you remember who he is" the doctor asked? I turned and looked at Jace. His eyes were pleading for me to remember. But I couldn't I wouldn't put him in danger I would go back to my tree and then move on to a different town. I looked at Jace but not in the eyes and shrinked away from him. The doctor nodded as if he knew this would happen. Jace literally broke right then he started crying and I couldn't help but go back over and hug him. He clinged on to me as I would disappear an second. I let myself hug the last time and pulled away. 

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