Chapter 2

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The time was 05:30 in the morning and Jennifer was sitting in the garden, waiting for the sun to rise. It was a crisp morning, the air still had a chilly sting to its breeze.

She took a few deep breaths as she felt the wind gently brushing through her hair. She loved the feeling of it, it calmed her.

"Jen, I'm leaving now, " Jennifer heard her husband say and she immediately turned to face him.

"Oh, okay. Have a nice day, honey, " she answered back and wrapped her arms around his body, giving him a light peck on the lips.
"And when you get home, we maybe can start working on-"

Jennifer stopped in the middle of her sentence when she noticed Brad raising an eyebrow at her, and her heart dropped when he began to speak.

"Jen you know it's not the right timing, I'm in the middle of shooting a movie and-"

"A movie we agreed on you would never sign up for," Jennifer interrupted, saying it as a matter-of-factly. She folded her arms across her chest and backed away from him.

Brad was rarely home anymore. Since signing up for Mr. And Mrs. Smith, he has been spending more and more time on set, much to Jennifer's dislike.

Jennifer knew that shooting a movie came with a lot of sacrifices, one of being having to spend time away from loved ones. She understood that Brad needed to be on set, but he had been there an awful lot recently, much more than she knew an actor needed to be.

This wasn't how she had expected her life to be like after Friends ended. Both Jennifer and Brad had agreed that it was the perfect timing for both of them to take a step back from their careers and focus all their attention on their family life.

Jennifer was ready to do so. She wanted a family, children, more than anything in the world. She had a dream that she had painted in colours, beautiful colours.
But that same dream had slowly begun to slipping away from her fingers when the script for Mr. And Mrs. Smith was sent to Brad. He couldn't pass it on. It was an opportunity of a lifetime, he had argued.


"No, go do your thing! Have a nice day." Jennifer waved her hands in front of her face and turned away from him. She began to walk towards the sunbed she earlier had sat on. With each step she took, her heart broke a little more.

Brad signed deeply out of frustration.

"I'll talk to you later, " he said and left.

Jennifer turned her head and watched her husband disappear around the corner of their house. She was left alone. Again. She felt how her eyes began to water, but she refused to let the tears fall freely.

She refused to spend another day crying.

She sighed and returned her attention to the beautiful view she had in front of her. The sun was beginning to rise, making the sky look like it was on fire.

Jennifer loved early mornings.
Everything was quiet, only the sound of birds singing their beautiful melody lingered in the air.

It was a calm and beautiful morning. Everything was at peace, except for one thing. Her.

Jennifer's thoughts drifted away to the one person she always found herself thinking of whenever she was upset. She couldn't help it, it was like a force. A force she couldn't control, no matter how hard she tried to.


She fidgetted with her hands as she remembered how she always used to tell him about her dreams, and how he carefully used to listen to every word she said. David made Jennifer feel important, that every word that left her mouth meant something. Jennifer's heart broke when she remembered how David had told her he wanted the same thing as her.

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