Chapter 6

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The buzzing sound from the subway was ringing in David's ears. He was standing at the subway station and scanned his surroundings. His eyes struggled to react to what was happening around him. It was safe to say that he still wasn't used to the new city, his new life

It was an early Saturday morning. Well, it wasn't early for New York. The station was already stuffed with people.

David began to walk towards the stairs that would lead him out to the morning sun. When he reached the top of the stairs into the streets, the sound of fleeting cars hit him immediately. The swishing noise coming from them reminded him of a stormy ocean.

It somehow calmed him.
The loud sound from the busy street brought him back to the place his heart still belonged to.

David took a deep breath.
He could smell the pollution, and taste it.
The air was definitely not as clean as what he was used to. It was not like how it was at home.

David put his hands in his pockets and began to walk in the direction that would lead him to his apartment. He kept his eyes locked on the cement of the sidewalk, blocking out the rest of the world. At this point, it wasn't only the sound of cars that was echoing in his ears. The piercing sound of the people around him almost shocked him.


David was surrounded by complete strangers.

New York was still a stranger to him.

He has been living there for a month now. Still, it felt like he had arrived just yesterday.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find peace.
Every day, he struggled with adjusting to his new life. Every day, he had to remind himself to keep on fighting.

But it was not easy.

Every day, he compared this new life to his old life.
Every day, he compared his new self to his old self.

David stopped by a street light. He waited patiently for it to change from 'don't walk' to 'walk'. As he waited, he heard bits and pieces of whispered gossip. It brought a small smile to his face. It entertained him for a few seconds. It amused him to know that he wasn't the only person that felt miserable.

Everyone was fighting their struggles.

He looked to his left. Beside him stood a middle-aged man who looked like he was running late to an important meeting. Stress was written on his face.

David smiled even more.

He then looked to his right. There stood a teenage girl, clothed in all black. She was listening to music, clearly not caring about what was happening around her. She was in her own little world.

David signed and returned his attention to the street light again. It switched to 'walk' and the crowd of people immediately began to walk over the street. David followed the stream.

He continued to walk in the direction of his apartment when suddenly, after a few minutes,  when he passed a street shop, something caught his eye.

David stopped in his track. His breath stuck in his throat.

A very familiar face was in front of him.
What he saw on the cover of every magazine created a knot in his stomach.

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