Chapter 5

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A month has gone by. David moved two weeks ago, and Jennifer has tried to keep herself occupied ever since.

But it hasn't been easy for her. His distance put her at unease. Every day, she felt like she was missing something.
Jennifer's life was moving forward yet she was stuck in the moment he left her.

It was currently 9:30 at night.
The time of the day that she had cherished with her whole being, but now had become like a curse.

Like any other day, she prepared herself to go to bed. She washed her face and brushed her teeth.
She turned off the lights when she left the bathroom and slowly strolled towards her bedroom.

She stopped at the door and leaned at the frame. A sigh escaped from her mouth. The bedroom was empty.

She didn't like how quiet everything was.

Jennifer walked towards the bed and snuggled into the bedsheets and her many pillows.  Her bed felt like a warm, giant hug.

Another sigh left her mouth as she tried to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Nothing seemed to satisfy her tense muscles. They were stiff.

Jennifer sat up defeated. There was no way she would fall asleep anytime soon. She knew what was waiting for her. An endless trip with her thoughts and memories.

She wanted to be grateful, but at the moment, she couldn't help but despise them.

Jennifer touched her lips, and once again, like every other night, her thoughts drifted away to him. She couldn't help it.


Every day she found herself thinking about the kiss she had shared with him four weeks ago. And every time, she scolded herself for thinking about it.

Every night, before falling asleep, when her bed was empty and her house was deadly silent, did her thoughts make their nightly visit.
Despite how much she tried to escape them, they somehow always managed to creep upon her.

4 weeks ago

Jennifer gently entangled her fingers in David's hair. Their foreheads were touching.
A sob escaped from Jennifer's lips as she marveled at his touch. Her hands were shaking. Her skin was burning.

David too felt tears falling down his cheeks as he tightened his grip around Jennifer's trembling body.
Not being able to wait any longer, he closed the remaining space between the two of them....

...and they kissed.

Jennifer whimpered when David's lips touched hers. She was surprised by how soft and warm they were. She had forgotten how much she loved having them pressed against her own.

It always felt special when their lips touched. It felt.... right. Neither of them could explain it.

The kiss didn't last for long, and it certainly wasn't the kind of kiss that you see in movies, but it was special in its own way.

The moment their lips touched, both of them knew it soon would be over, but a created memory that would last forever.

Jennifer slowly pulled away. David was breathing heavily in her face, it tickled her skin.
She rested her forehead against David's, closing her eyes, and lingered to what she knew soon would go away.

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