Chapter 3

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"Jennifer, hi..."

Davids's voice calmed Jennifer immediately. She let out a sigh of relief. She felt lighter.

"Hi, Shwimmy. How are you?" Jennifer's voice was already trembling. She missed him terribly.

Jennifer didn't want to talk to David over the phone. She wished she could reach through her phone and grab him. She wanted to be in his arms, hold his hand, feel his breath and hear his heart. She wanted to be with him.

"I'm good, I'm good. And you?" Jennifer frowned when she heard his answer. It was short, he sounded distant like his thoughts were elsewhere.

Jennifer's heart sunk in her chest. She wasn't talking to her David. The David she had said goodbye to three months ago.

This was another David talking to her.

"I miss you." Jennifer didn't know what else there was to say, but her words have never been more true.

She had never missed a person as much as she was missing him at the moment.

David closed his eyes. He knew she missed him, and he missed her as well.
They used to spend every day together. They had spent every day together for 10 years.

"I miss you too, " David whisper back. His words have never been more true.

Silence lingered between the two of them. Both of them tried to figure out why they haven't spoken to each other when they both have missed each other so much.

They both knew their reason.

The tone of David's voice told Jennifer that something was bothering him. She knew him inside and out, better than anyone else.

"Schwim... Are you okay?" Jennifer asked concerned.

Silence answered her question.

No. No, he was not okay.

David closed his eyes and buried his face in his hand, pondering whether he should tell her his news over the phone or not.

He felt guilty. It was only now he fully realized how messed up his life had become.

"Jen, I'm moving." The words left David's mouth without him even knowing it.

The air disappeared from Jennifer's lungs as she heard him speak.


"I'm moving to New York." He regretted it right away. He regretted everything.

Jennifer was quiet, trying to make sense of his words. Her mind was blank, for a second she forgot how to breathe.

"Jen?" David called out. He could picture her pained face, and the thought of it broke his heart. He knew he had hurt her, and he hated himself for doing so. But David couldn't find another way out of his misery. He needed to save himself before it was too late.


David could only hear her breathing on the other line. It was heavy.

"Jen... Say something, please."

David felt tears burning in his eyes. One after one, they slowly fell down his face.

"Are you fucking kidding with me? I haven't seen you for three months, I haven't talked to you since we finished shooting Friends, and now- and now you are telling me-"

Jennifer felt tears running down her cheeks. She couldn't speak another word.

"What do you want me to do? Huh? I need to move on and live my life. You're with Brad, you're starting a family...."

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