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I sat down at the table, the paperwork in the envelope. Mom and Xavier sat at the table, food in front of them. My brothers were next to me, playing around. One look from mother, they instantly straightened out. 

"How did you sleep, Em?" Xavier asks, looking at me. I smiled at him.

"I slept good." 

"That's good." Mom says, softly. 

"I slept amazing!" Luke says, happily. Mom smiles at him. 

A conversation took place while we all ate. Mostly with the two brothers that were sitting next to me. 

"When is Adrian's wedding?" Xavier asks, looking at mom. 

"Next month I do believe." 

"We're having brunch with the others later, right?"

"Later this month. All of the nephews and nieces will be there. Lily and dad will be there as well."

"Has Chase settled down yet?"

"We both know that's not going to happen for a long time."

Chase is a player. Plays girls left and right. Adrian is getting married next month to Xena. Chris settled down with a nice guy. Everybody likes them together. Darius is new in a relationship. The girl is a nice person. Shy but nice. Marcus is traveling around the world with his wife at the moment. He sends gifts from every new place they visit. Leo is currently taking care of his dogs. Not really caring for a relationship. 

"Emily?" I raised an eyebrow. "What's in the envelope?" I glanced at mom, who gave me an encouraging nod. 

"Boys, go see what your brother is doing, will you?" Mom says, looking at them. They nod, standing up. They left the kitchen, only making us three here. I slid the envelope to Xavier, who picked it up. 

"Open it." I whispered. He opened it, looking at the papers inside. He had a confused look on his face. "I want you to adopt me." His mouth fell open, looking at me then at the paper then at mom. 

"It's up to you, Xavier." Mom whispers. "I'm gonna go see what the twins and Jonas are up to." We watched as mom stood up, walking out of the room like a penguin. She was going to burst any day now. 

"Do you guys know the gender?" I ask, looking at him.

"We want it to be a surprise so we won't know until she gives birth." He says, softly. I nod. "Are you sure, Emily?" 

"I'm ready and I know you won't go anywhere unless you die." He laughs. 

"And that would either be the hands of mom or her brothers." 

"That is true." Mom says, coming into the room. Jonas and the twins came into the room, a smile on their face. 

"Adrian is here." Gabriel says, happily. Xavier smiled. 

"I'll happily adopt you, Emily." A smile broke out on mom's face and tears started to stream down her face. 

"Mom, why are you crying now?" Jonas asks, looking at her.

"Happy tears." She whispers. Xavier smiles, signing the papers then standing up. He went over to his wife, wiping her tears away. 

"Let's go see what your twin is up to." He whispers, dragging her out of the kitchen. The boys looked at each other then at me.

"How much do you want a bet that mother is having a girl?" Luke asks, curious.

"20 bucks."

"50 for a boy." 

"100 for twins. Boy and girl." I say, with a smile. 

"120 for twins but two boys."

"150 for twins but both girls." Jonas says, frowning. 

"Okay, deal." We all say, shaking on it. We went outside, going over to where the parents were sitting.

I won 100 bucks at the end of the day. 

You guys, this is the end of this book. I am so happy to finally be done with this book. 

I won't lie and say that I won't edit this book because I will. Truth be told, I'll mostly edit every single detail. Mostly with their love story. Another truth is that I hate the name 'Addison' for the main character. It doesn't suit her in my opinion. I like the name Addison in general but it just doesn't suit the character.

I'll keep this book up until I start editing it. I'll probably just start a new book and write it there and just take this down. 

Thank you to everybody who is reading this. 

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