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We pull up to school and all get out. The girls are giving me mean looks while the boys are giving me lust filled eyes.

"I fucking hate school." I mutter underneath my breath. I take my phone out and start scrolling through social media.

"Cheer up, twinny. This is high school. The best years of your life." Adrian says. He puts his arm around my shoulders and directs me to the office. Chase and Chris walk behind us,

We make our way to the office. I go in and go up to the the secretary.

"I need my schedule. Addison Rose Moretti or Addison Rose." I say coldly. She looks up and starts shaking. "Please?"

"Here. Have-"

"Don't finish that." I say coldly. She nods and I look at my schedule. "Is this the same as Brandon and Jordan's schedule?"

"I'm pretty sure. Why?"

"I'm the third of the trio. They do talk about me, do they not?" I ask. She looks back at me.

"Your Addison? Rumors have it that you're ruthless." I roll my eyes.

"The one and only, Barb. I better go before my fucking brothers come in here starting a fucking war. Nice meeting you Barb. I have a hunch you will see me a lot." I wink at her and leave the office.

I walk over to my brothers and stand in front of them. They look up from their phones and raise an eyebrow.

"Did you have any problem with getting your schedule?" Chris asked. I shook my head and looked down the hallway.

"Is Brandon or Jordan here?" I ask. I look down the hallways when I see the familiar blonde hair. I smile. "Nevermind. I'll catch you guys later, okay?"

"Addison-" I walk away without hearing the rest of Chase's sentence.

I keep walking until I'm right behind Brandon. I jump on top of his back and he goes tense.

"Hey boys. Missed me?" I say. Jordan stopped talking and turned to face me.

"Addison?" Jordan asked in a whisper.

"Yes?" I ask. I got off Brandon's back and went in front of them. "Need something?"

"You're here? Like you're actually here?" Jordan asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. I'm actually here." I say smiling. Brandon hugged me.

"I fucking missed you. Never fucking disappear again." He whispered into my ear. I smile.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for disappearing." I say back. He pulls back and regains his posture.

"Richard reached out to us. Said some bullshit. Is it true? Ryan came and took you?" Jordan asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. We can catch up after school. Well, not after school but after I go home." I say sadly.

"We missed you, Addison." Jordan said.

"I missed you guys more." I say. The warning bell rang and I rolled my eyes. "Come on. I made sure we are all in the same classes but one. Me and Jordan are in art class while you are in gym."

"Rude. You like gym too." Brandon says. I look at him.

"I like art more, idiot. Come on, we're gonna be late and I'm not trying to make Dante more mad at me then he already is." I say coldly. Brandon barks out a laugh while Jordan smiles.

We walk to our first period and we go in. Of course we make a scene. When the teacher sees me with the boys, her eyes widened.

"Do you want to introduce yourself?" She asked me. I roll my eyes and nod.

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