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"no, sorry chat, coraline won't be here today, shes not feeling well, sadly."

the pillows and blankets that were huddled around coraline's small frame. she stared at ranboo as he laughed, the soft glow from his computer monitor illuminating his face in the most pleasing way possible.

a small chime on her phone snapped her out of her gaze. she grumbled at the reminder as it stared her in the face. digging through her bedside table, her hands landed on a glass object. with brows furrowed, and an instant idea of what it was, she pocketed it along with the bag that sat alongside it. with shifty glances, she stood up from the bed. the orange pill bottle she originally went to grab remained untouched.

while walking to the door ranboo turned to her. 'did you take your meds?' he mouthed.

she nodded a little white lie and made her way to the house's front door. slipping on her shoes, she looked around for the sight of the mr. and mrs. once the coast was clear, she was gone.

' , —

Hey! Where'd you go?

goin for a walk
need 2 clear my head

Ok! I love you!

' , —

a dry and bitter taste was left in ranboo's mouth as his anxiety peaked higher and higher. he ended the stream earlier than expected and quickly left the house.

the array if small children going door to door had dissipated, as it got to be closer to midnight. the chill in the air cause his goosebumps to heighten as he rushed down the neighborhood street.

a breath relief rushed over him as he saw her sitting calmly in the gazebo that rest by the neighborhood pool.


she looked up to him, slightly tear stained cheeks shimmering in the moonlight.


she reeked of weed, and even though he frowned, ranboo didn't say a word. the last thing she needed was to be reminded she's only fucking herself more.

the cricking of cicadas, the soft splash of the pool, and the gentle sound of the two's synced breath was all that was needed to bring a sense of peace. to calm ranboo's anxiety, and coraline's unspoken mania.

"lets do something."

"like what?"

the monotone of her voice sent a pang of hurt into his heart, but he still smiled and grabbed her hand.

the two ran to the fence of the pool, coraline instantly smiling at the idea he implied, a beautiful contrast to the before expression. he gave her a boost over the fence, then quickly jumping over it himself. the shattering of the glass smoking bowl was drowned out by their laughs, thus being ignored, and forgotten.

coraline hastily undressed to her undergarments, ranboo following suit (though he only removed his shirt, leaving his swear shorts). the cold air nipped their skin, only amplifying as coraline jumped into the water, splashing onto ranboo.

"HOLY SHIT THIS IS COLD—" she resurfaced with a scream.

"what did you expect? we live in the bay area, everything is going to be cold this time of year."

coraline shook her hear with a soft smile at ranboo's sad attempt to hide his shivering, as his teeth still chattered with every few words. still, she quickly climbed out of the water.

"get in the water, smelly," she held our her arms threateningly, ready to push him in.

"make me."

and so she did. reaching up, she grabbed his face and brought his lips to hers. with his guard lowered, she slowly began to step back until she fell into the water, dragging him down with her.

❀ ' , —

i had two drawings to go with this chapter but i didnt know where to put them in so here by themselves

❀ ' , — i had two drawings to go with this chapter but i didnt know where to put them in so here by themselves

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