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the process of filing a missing persons case was the worst feeling in the world. the san francisco police department was bustling with the energy of a tired worker, directly opposing ranboo's anxious bouncing of his leg.

a voice cleared, and ranboo looked over to the male. he held a clip board, a pen, and a cup of coffee.

"you're ranboo wilson?" he raised a brow.

"yes sir."

the man nodded, and motioned for ranboo to follow. ranboo did as requested, nervous of what was go come.

❀ ' , —

No stream tonight, or maybe for a while? Not sure. Something came up, I'm really sorry.
today at 11:27 pm

replying to @ranboosaysstuff
did the bitch finally get dumped?
today at 11:28 pm

replying to @ranboosaysstuff
can you tell coraline shes a fat whore for me? lol she deactivated her account
today at 11:27 pm

replying to @ranboosaysstuff
i bet its something to do with coraline. i never liked her
today at 11:27 pm

the replies made him feel sick. the feeling of dread once again set in his stomach as he read through what people said. this couldn't have been new. something like this doesn't just come out of no where.

how long had she been dealing with this? he could have stopped it. he never paid attention. he never took off his rose colored glasses.

he's stupid. its all his fault. it was his doing that made her leave, that made her go into a mixed state of a depressive and manic episode.

its all my fault, isn't it?

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