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after a too many questions from ranboo for coraline's liking, she gave in and unblocked quackity.

❀ ' , —

oh thank god
what happened?
are you okay?

im fine

why did you block me?
did i do something?
do you need me to come over?

no youre ok
im fine

im coming over
leaving now
ill be there in an hour

alex no

❀ ' , —

coraline groaned, and rubbed her temple. the last thing she wanted was another set of eyes to constantly watch her. though, like he said, after an hour passed, a knock came from the front door.

ranboo rushed up from his spot on the couch, making coraline roll her eyes slightly.

"coraline—" alex quickly made his way to her, engulfing her into a hug.

she weakly hugged back, hoping it would be enough for alex to let go. thankfully, it was.

"i told you not to," she looked back to her phone, "im fine. i already have a personal drone." she motioned to ranboo, who only frowned.

"i just want to make sure you're okay..."

"yeah, aren't we allowed to worry?"

"sure! you're allowed to worry!" she quickly stood up, "but FUCK am i not allowed to have my own personal space anymore?"

she was tiny compared to the two boys, but for some reason, with the furious fire in her eyes, she seemed much larger.

"alex, i don't need you babying me! i understand wanting to check in ever so often, but jesus christ, its annoying! it's overwhelming! i don't need that shit!"

alex shifted uncomfortably, taking in the words coraline spewed. she then turned to her boyfriend.

and for the first time in their relationship, ranboo cowered below her.

"love, i appreciate that you care, i really do, but when you're breathing down my back constantly, watching my every move, i feel like a fucking child!"


"no! its my turn to speak. i'm not helpless! im not fucking fragile! im not a piece of glass held together by shitty painter's tape!

"sure, im going through a fuckin' time and a half, and you want to make sure i'm safe, but PLEASE. do i ever get time to breathe? why are you constantly trying to be around me? if i ask you to stay, then stay. if i ask you to go, fucking go!"

sometimes, people should really think before speaking.

thats a lesson ranboo wished he had learned before.

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