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everyone could tell coraline wasn't herself. the slow descent into what seemed to be a depressive episode quickly switched. her energy was heightened, along with many other things as well. one of them happening to be uncomfortable for both of the parties involved.

the day was normal. they woke up late, streamed, worked on individual projects, and usually by then it would end curled up together, falling asleep to an old movie. however, something was different this time.

with her strange high-energy, coraline wanted to do anything but rest. at first it was fun, flirty, and cute to see her act bubbly as she attempted to get ranboo to dance with her to some random song on spotify's radio.

it wasn't until she playfully dipped him, that they fell. he was lied on his back, coraline supporting her own weight over him. ranboo laughed, but coraline didn't.

"corey," he nervously chuckled, "you alright?"

when she smashed her lips to his, he obviously kissed back, but something was different. the palms of her hands made their way to his chest. they had made out before, obviously, but this wasn't normal. her rushed demeanor, sloppy movements, and unusual lust was enough for ranboo to push her off.

coraline's eyes widened, and when she saw ranboo's expression, regret flushed across her face.

"fuck— god im— shit im sorry," she panicked, looking for words to say.

"coraline, we talked about this—"

"yeah, yeah i know, i know," she cupped her face in her hands, body trembling, "fuck im so sorry—"

ranboo frowned, and scooted over to her, "are you taking your meds?"

coraline's eyes dashed to the bedside table, where she knew held the empty pill bottle. it had been there for weeks, maybe months. she was never sure.

❀ ' , —

the microwaved olive garden leftovers sat in front of her, fork twirling between her fingers, yet never bringing anything to her mouth.

ranboo looked over from across the kitchen, a frown on his face and furrowed brows, he looked to his phone, search results staring at him. she was in a mixed state, from what he could tell.

the empty pill bottle explained itself the night before, but now it was slowly coming together.

this chapter was in no way an attempt to sexualize ranboo. a heightened sex drive is a major symptom of manic episodes. please understand i am not trying to sexualize, i am trying to portray mental illness correctly.

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