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around 400 dollars was missing from ranboo's bank account.

around 400 dollars worth of items was delivered to their home in the next few weeks.

still, he spoke nothing of it.

around 400 dollars worth of items was missing from their home the next day.

with those 400 dollars worth of missing items, something else was no where to be seen.

when ranboo descended down the stairs, he expected to see coraline sound asleep on  the couch. he expected to hear the light hum of the television as random game shows played softly.

neither of those sound of comfort met ranboo with a good morning. in fact, as the dread set in, he felt the condescending tone of an awful morning creep along his back.

maybe he was over thinking it. maybe she had just gone out to get something, however, the sight that sent him into hysterical cries was enough to confirm his fear.

the kitchen counter held an array of items:

- a knife, the edge of the blade coated in a thin layer of blood
- a broken phone, screen shattered into a million of pieces
- a pen
- and a sheet of paper, writing scrawled on messily, and blood staining where an arm would sit as someone wrote.

"im not dead. the knife was my own lol. i just left, and i honestly don't think i'll be back.


as the pieces of the puzzle slowly put themself together, ranboo finally screamed.

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