chapter 6: bad timing

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          evelyn and i are in the basement doing laundry. after and hour or so we head upstairs with bags of wet laundry. evelyn is carrying two bags and i'm following evelyn carrying another bag. as we walk up the stairs my bag gets caught on something. i tug my bag up causing it to free from whatever was holding it down.

          evelyn and i start hanging clothes outside on the clothesline. "i'm worried for marcus," i sign. "i am too, but i know lee will keep him safe," evelyn replies. i sign back, "he's too scared, when he gets scared he panics and freezes. i'm afraid that marcus will get scared and won't defend himself." "i'm glad he has a friend like you y/n," evelyn signs.

          a few hours later i'm playing solitaire in the living room waiting for marcus and lee to come back. i hear water dripping from upstairs and i go and check to see what is making the sound. i cautiously go up the stairs to see evelyn standing there shocked with a puddle of water underneath her. she looks up at me and signs, "it's coming." "this is some bad timing," i sign back

sorry this chapter is really short and boring but i had to include the part about the nail. the next chapter hopefully gets more exciting.

AGAIN AND AGAIN // marcus abbott Where stories live. Discover now