chapter 9: drive

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day 473

          lee looks up and puts a finger to his mouth. he pushes us towards the truck to take shelter. i hear one of those creatures running towards us. we run towards the car and enter through the window. we lay down and hide in the truck. i grab marcus's hand and squeeze it tightly. we peek our heads up to see lee with an axe looking around. the creature drops down from the roof and attacks lee. lee gets thrown onto the ground with blood pouring out of him.  marcus screams for lee then we see the creature running towards us and the next thing we know the car is being shaken by one of those creatures.

          i cover my ears and sit down tightly in the truck seats. the creature scratches through the car and is shaking it around. the windows were shattered and glass was on the ground. marcus and i hide on the ground of the truck. i watch as regan pokes her head up watching lee. a minute later i hear lee scream and the creature jumps off of the truck. as soon as i feel the creature run towards lee i get up and put the truck into drive. marcus steps on the gas as the truck head towards home.

          we were all crying on the way home knowing that lee died. me and marcus hold eachother in a tight embrace crying. marcus and regan just lost their father. it was heartbreaking to see marcus in so much pain. there was only so much i could do to comfort him and make him feel better. we finally reach the house and we jump out of the car and see evelyn on the front porch watching us. she run towards us and hugs all of us as we all cry and mourn the death of lee.


AGAIN AND AGAIN // marcus abbott Where stories live. Discover now