chapter 18: not again

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          i blink my eyes open to see marcus shaking me. i realize that evelyn's back and i have the oxygen mask on my face. i give them a confused look. "i came back and saw the creature through the window and i ran inside. the creature was at the top of the pipe and blocking the entrance. so i lit it on fire but that didn't work, and then the sprinklers went off, then i remember i brought the gun with me and i shot the thing which bought me enough time to get down here. when i came down i saw the latch down on the door without a towel, so i set the oxygen tanks down and opened the door to see you two unconscious. i grabbed the oxygen tanks and ran in," evelyn answered. "so that's why we couldn't open the door," i say in realization. i see the baby in evelyn's arms and take the oxygen mask off of my face to give to evelyn. i start listening to the radio hoping for any sign of regan and emmett. i reach for marcus' hand and grasp it tightly. i can tell that he's stressed out, and he gets stressed out easily.

          "what time is it?" i question. "i think sometime early in the morning. maybe 4?" evelyn says. i pass the headphones to marcus and give him a turn to listen. i poke my head up to look out the small window through the door. i see the creature walking and looking around for us. marcus leans into my shoulder, looking exhausted. i sigh, as i am as exhausted as marcus.

          a couple hours later i see evelyn tapping the last oxygen tank's meter and i start to worry. i glance at the meter to see it showing that there is a low amount of oxygen left. i poke my head up once again to see if the creature is still there, and unfortunately it is. "not again," i sigh in exasperation.

after i finish part II, do you guys want me to stop and wait till part III (if there will be), or do my own ending? and after that i'll do major updates because i think i could definitely fix some things. and thank you guys so much for the lovely comments, i appreciate them so much. and once again, if you are enjoying this fanfic please vote :))

AGAIN AND AGAIN // marcus abbott Where stories live. Discover now