chapter 13: music

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the timer goes off from inside the tank and we open the hatch. i exit first, then i help marcus get out letting him use my shoulders as support. the man points to a bed looking thing which tells me that that'a where marcus should go. "guys do you remember emmett? the emmett that lived on 44th avenue?" evelyn whispered. "vaguely," i replied softly. i'm glad we can talk down here. "well this is emmett," evelyn stated. marcus looks at me with a confused face and then you remember,

"hey there lee," emmett said. lee sat down between regan and i on the bleachers. "hey emmett, what inning is it now?" lee asked, "5th inning," emmett answered. lee nodded and pulled out an orange from the plastic bag. he starts to cut the orange open with a knife before regan interrupts him. "your hands are dirty, let me cut it for you," regan signed. my eyes are glued on marcus, focusing on him. he looks really nervous. "oh come on now!" emmett says. "you could've dived!" emmet said. emmett taps regan on the shoulder, "what is dive?" he asks. he annunciates to make what he is saying clear to regan. regan puts her two hands together and makes a diving motion. emmett repeats what regan did, and regan nods showing that he did it correct.

i help marcus get on to the bed with the help of regan. we lay him down onto the bed and make him comfortable. i go across the room to grab blankets to put on his bed. i pick up a few blankets and drop them on top of him within his reach. i pull a slightly comfortable chair towards his bed so i can sit down and be next to him. i decide that's where i'll sleep tonight next to marcus. i look to see marcus flinch in pain, and reach for his hand. regan then brings out a radio and headphones, and puts the headphones on marcus' ears. she changes the channel and i watch as marcus' eyes start to close. i hear emmett and evelyn whispering in the background and start to hear emmett raise his voice. i tune out what they are saying, and focus on marcus. i watch marcus breathe in and out, slowly losing tension. a few minutes go by and he turns the channel. he pops up from his position with a shocked face.

everyone turns to look at marcus, who has his mouth wide open. "music," he whispers. i take the headphones off of his head and put them on my head. i can't believe it, there's music. that means there has to be a radio station playing it somewhere. "music," i sign to regan. "this has to be new. dad checked every station on the radio every day," marcus said. "no, it's been playing for the past 4 months," emmett replied. "and you haven't done anything about it?" regan signed, starting to get mad. "there's nothing i could've done," emmett replied. i signed what he said so regan could understand. "did you ever see the fires my dad lit?" regan signed. "yes," emmett said. i translated to regan, and regan replied, "and you didn't do anything about that either. you didn't even think about helping us out." "i did, but i didn't have the supplies to help you guys," emmett said. "you're nothing like my dad," regan signed. regan stormed off furious. i was too busy watching regan and emmett fight to see marcus put the headphones back on and fall asleep. i decide to fall asleep, or at least try to, hand in hand with marcus.

okay guys next chapter there will most definitely be more marcus and y/n relationship content. i need to put it in where it flows best :))

AGAIN AND AGAIN // marcus abbott Where stories live. Discover now