chapter 5: school

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          i wake up early in marcus's room remembering yesterday's events. i try to fall asleep but it doesn't work. i decide to go downstairs and see if breakfast is ready. i sneak out of marcus's bedroom carefully trying not to wake him up. i head downstairs to see evelyn making breakfast. "what's for breakfast?" i sign. "oatmeal or cereal," evelyn replies. "i'll take oatmeal please and thank you," i sign back. "after you finish your breakfast, can you please wake up marcus? i have to check some things for the baby and then when i'm done we have to do some schoolwork," evelyn tells me. i nod my head in agreement, but also annoyed that we still have to do schoolwork.

          i finish my oatmeal and head upstairs to wake up marcus up. i make his way into his room and lightly tap him to wake him up. he yawns and signs, "why did you wake me up so early?" "your mom said that you have to get ready and then we have to do school. i already ate breakfast so you better hurry up so we can get this over with," i sign back. marcus sighs in annoyance and gets out of bed. "i'll meet you in the attic when you're done," i sign.

          marcus and i are in the attic waiting for evelyn to finish her things. "i miss going to actual school and being able to talk with everyone," marcus signs. "yeah i missed being able to joke around with you and being able to laugh freely," i reply. i reminisce about the memories marcus and i made in school.

marcus and i are in our boring science class learning about elements. from across the room i see marcus signing, "im gonna fake go to the bathroom. make an excuse so we can go walk around in the halls." i nod and wait for him to raise his hand. our teacher dismisses him from the classroom to go to the "bathroom". i wait a few minutes before raising my hand and asking to go to the nurse. the teacher dismisses me and i walk out of the classroom. as soon as i walk out of the classroom marcus startles me and i jump back. "marcus how many times have i told you to stop scaring me like that?" i say. "i don't think you've ever told me to do that before," marcus replied sarcastically. we laugh and i grab his arm as we walk around the school. we talk about our classmates and our teachers for fifteen minutes. when we get back to our class our teacher yells at us for being gone too long and not being where we were supposed to be. marcus and i suppress the laughs from our teacher scolding us so we don't get in trouble.

          evelyn comes up to the attic and we start our learning. a couple hours go by and we are working on math. "carry the 3 over," evelyn signs to us. we turn around to see lee with his backpack full of supplies meaning him and marcus were going on another "learning experience" as lee likes to call it. "i don't want to go!" marcus signs. evelyn gives marcus a little pep talk and we go to send marcus out on his way.

          we are on the front porch step saying bye to marcus and lee. i always get worried for marcus because he gets really scared. he doesn't like going out on these expeditions because he's terrified of those creatures. as always i give marcus a long hug and reassure him. regan comes over and signs, "let me come." lee never lets regan go out on their adventures for whatever reason. regan gets frustrated and huffs away. lee signs, "y/n, please take care of evelyn. if anything happens you know what to do." i gulp and nod. it's scary having such a big responsibility put on you at 13 years old. we wave good bye and i help evelyn get back inside.

things are starting to get exciting! the italicized paragraph is like a flashback/memory type thing if you got confused. i am going to stop updating for tonight lmao i've pumped out these first 5 chapters in one day. please vote if you enjoy this story!

AGAIN AND AGAIN // marcus abbott Where stories live. Discover now