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Calypso Dupont  watches as the landscape behind the window blurs into a kaleidoscope of colours.

Yellow fields, framed with orange and red wildflowers mix with the bright blue of the cloudless sky.

It will only be a matter of minutes now until the fields are replaced by the buildings of Italy's capital city.

Her friends declared her insane when she chose the long train journey from her hometown in France to Rome, over a quick flight.

But Calypso insisted, the anticipation would make the train ride bearable also she had a goal to complete, to read about 200 books this year, a journey this long would give her time to finish at least 3.

Her colourful manicured hand reaches for the waterbottle on the little table in front of her, gulping down the last bit of the lukewarm water.

She grimaces and sighs, yearning for a cold shower and some fresh water Calypso leans her head back and shuffles the songs on her phone.

The pop up messages on her cracked screen shows her that she had missed a couple calls while she finished her favourite book, the song of Achilles, for the fifth time in the span of a year.

Due to the bad connection on the train she just quickly types a message to her friend, hoping that it will go through.

Some of Romes less beautiful buildings stand tall like ancient trees besides the train tracks and sigh deeply when the train rushes past them, only to come to a screeching stop a few meters down at the next station.

Her heart starts to beat faster and faster as the train moves closer to the destination of Calypsos trip. Roma termini.

Her bags are by her side, stacked on the empty seat next to her and her sage green backpack is already slung around her shoulders, even though the train has not even slowed down.

Excitement rushes through her body and a smile, that people would describe as mad if they could see through the white mask she is wearing, spreads over her whole face.

She curses herself for bringing two suitcases instead of just one when she hurries down the narrow corridor of the train, apologizing with her broken italian whenever she bumps into someone.

Finally she made it out on the platform and is now scanning her surroundings for the closest exit.

Calypso didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't the worlds most packed train station, the girl was struggling to find the right exit and when she finally did manage to find it, she couldn't see her friends anywhere.

Defeated she flops down on one of her suitcases and uses the cloth, that was previously wrapped around her dark curls, to wipe away the sweat running down her forehead.

Her phone is running low on battery so she doesn't dare to turn up the brightness of her screen, her sweaty hands tapping around on it until she finds her contacts, and then she dials the last number that called her, the one she missed on the train.

The call is short and ends with Calypsos phone just giving up on her. With a sigh she chucks it back into her backpack and crosses her fingers that her friends will be able to find her regardless, otherwise she would be a puddle of melted flesh and bones when they'd arrive.

"Ciao mia cara", Victoria De Angelis screams when she spots her friend sitting on her baby blue suitcase, shielding her face from the sun with her tanned hand.

"You found me", Calypso jumps up and starts running towards the girl she loves as if she was her sister.

They embrace each other despite the heat and despite the sweat, not caring about anything in the world but their reunion.

When they finally release each other, the smaller girl offers to take one of Calypsos suitcases and they make their way over to a more secluded street where the others are waiting with the car.

"Since the ESC, everything is a little crazy and walking through Rome, in the middle of the day has gotten simply impossible, without attracting a group of fans", Vic smiles while she speaks and Calypso presses a quick kiss to her cheek, insanely proud of how far the band has come.

The sight before Calypsos eyes makes her laugh out loud and she stops in her tracks.

The three remaining bandmembers of Måneskin are lounging on the hood of a dark car, whose made she didn't know, smoking a cigarette each and loudly blasting their own, ESC winning song.

So much for being discreet.

"You guys are something else", she chuckles and moves to wrap her arms around Thomas, his contagious laugh still rings in her ears when they let go of each other.

"Ma Française préférée", Damiano flicks his cigarette on the ground and jumps from the hood of the car, now pressing Calypsos sweaty body against his own. She inhales his scent of expensive aftershave and fresh cigarette smoke.

"I'd say you're my favourite Italian but there are three others that I just love as much", she chuckles and he pushes her away from him, in fake hurt and clutches his chest.

"You are so dramatic, come help me with the bags", Vic pushes one suitcase towards the oldest and they walk to the trunk of the car, Thomas trailing behind them, chatting in Italian.

"Ciao Calypso", as the last one to greet her, Ethan has the advantage of being able to hold her for the longest time, as nobody is waiting for him to release her from his embrace.

She smiles against the thin fabric of his shirt, her face squished against his shoulder.

"Ready to go home?", Damiano asks and motions for the two to climb in the car, Calypso blushes a little when she realises that they must have hugged for quiet a while now.

"Of course", she chirps and climbs in the back of the car, taking her place between Thomas and Victoria.

Squished between two of her best friends, listening to their hurried conversation in Italian while the music blares from the speakers, Calypso can't recall a time she felt happier.

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