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Before knocking softly on Victoria's bedroom door, Calypso restlessly walks up and down the hallway twisting the ring on her thumb.

It is past noon so the blonde girl should be awake by now, Calypso was only able to sleep for a couple hours, worries kept her up.

After their little showdown Calypso fled back into the safety of her bedroom, hiding in the pages of a book hoping that somehow morning light would bring her clarity on how to handle the situation.

Apologizing and explaining to Vic is on the top of her list of things she needs to fix today.

Which brings her to her current situation, for the first time in their years of friendship she is scared to face her friend.

"Please let me explain before you hate me", Calypso enters the room with these words and Vic shifts around in her bed, resting her upper body against the headboard waiting for the brunette girl to start talking.

Not daring to sit down anywhere Calypso awkwardly stands in the middle of the room, looking anywhere but Vic's eyes.

"Remember that morning Thomas found me crying in the bathroom that's when I had just kicked my one-night stand out of the house, I was just so embarrassed about it and I couldn't even let myself think about it anymore, I wanted to forget that it ever happened", words fly out of her mouth and she feels tears brimming in her eyes, hating the situation she got herself into.

"I promise Vic, I wish I never slept with him and it pains me to admit it but I only did it to get Ethan off my mind", during the end of the sentence her voice fades and the tears she held at bay now break the dam and roll down her cheeks.

"Come here", Vic's heart breaks a little seeing her friend in distress and forgotten is any anger she had in her heart just minutes before.

Holding a crying Calypso to her chest, feeling her body shaking with sobs, desperately trying to soothe her.

"You need to talk to Ethan", Vic knows that this is probably the last thing Calypso wants to do right now but that is the only way the tangled mess of unsaid things and misunderstood behaviours can be unravelled.

Lifting her head from Vic's lap, eyes shimmering with unshed tears and her hair a mess from her friends fingers running through it in a soothing manner, Calypso nods slowly much to Vic's surprise she had imagined more of a discussion.

"I have so much to lose but the way things are now also suck, big time", sniffling Calypso sits up and rubs her eyes with her fists.

"You won't lose anything Caly, talk to him and I assure you there will be more to smile than cry about".

Calypso has never felt to scared to knock on a door than she does now. Usually everything to do with communication comes to her easy, talking to strangers or friends of friends has never been an issue for her.

Somehow now her arm feels to heavy to be lifted and her hand refuses to form into a fist, fighting her internal battle she eventually manages to knock.

Some part of her hopes that Ethan simply doesn't want to see her and sends her away, that way she wouldn't have to talk to him.

When he appears after opening the door, she takes in his disheveled appearance, tired eyes that look like he didn't get a minute of sleep and messy hair that looks like he pulled at it in anger and frustration.

"I am so sorry for everything", she croaks out and waits for him to move aside so that she can step into the room.

"There is no need for you to apologize, we both slept with people and it's not like we are a thing ", the way he spits the words out like venom make Calypso shudder.

Hearing the usual kind and soft spoken Ethan speak words laced with so much hate scares her.

Tears well up in her eyes again and she angrily blinks them away, he is still blocking the way into his room with his body and Calypso feels incredibly stupid.

Did she really misread all their moments together, the touches and stolen glances were they all just in her head?

"I slept with him to forget about you, you idiot", her heart hurts when she mumbles the words, barely louder than a whisper and if they wouldn't be standing so close she wouldn't even be sure he heard.

But Ethan did hear her, his eyes widen just when hers spill over with tears and he grabs her wrists pulling her inside his room and closing the door.

Surprised Calypso lets out a muffled sob, so close to him her body is shaking with emotions.

"Did you really?", Ethan questions, staring at her with intensity trying to read her mind.

"Why would I lie about this? Jeopardise our friendship?", finally the tears have stopped and she nibbles on her lower lip anxiously waiting for him to say something.

"Don't", he gently touches Calypso's lip with his thumb parting her lips slightly to stop her from driving her teeth into them.

Their faces are so close that she can see her reflection in his dark eyes, a blurry image of her face.

He moves his hands to cup her cheeks, tenderly wiping away her tears, her eyes flutter close at his soft touch and before she can open them again his lips are pressed to hers.

Like two dancers they move in sync, the kiss tastes like salt from her tears and minty toothpaste and is just so much better than any kiss Calypso ever had before.

She is afraid to pull away, afraid to look into his eyes again there is no pretending that this doesn't mean anything to her.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, she buries her head into his chest knowing that now they have to talk, figure out how they want this to go on and to be frank Calypso doesn't know.

"I am afraid", she mumbles against the fabric of his shirt, voice trembling.

Ethan doesn't say anything instead he leads her over to his bed, waiting for her to position herself against his headboard and then wrapping his arms around her again.

Patience has always been some of his best virtues.

"What if we don't work?". Finally the words are out and hang in the air between them.

He stays silent, thinking and Calypso mistakes his silence for anger, anxiously looking up to him through her lashes.

His face his soft, no trace of anger or fear only the way his brows are furrowed tell Calypso that he is deep in thought.

"I am made of memories", he mumbles and she cocks her head in confusion.

"You can only make memories worth to remember when you are willing to take a risk Caly", he explains and traces invisible shapes on her forearm.

"We can try right?", her voice is still filled with fear but there is hope lacing through it, daring and ready to take on the biggest hurdle Calypso ever had to face.

Instead of replying to her question Ethan kisses her again, their bodies pressed together and lips dancing like long lost lovers.

Words can be the true key to our hearts, daring to speak our minds and finally revealing our deepest desires open ways that we've never even thought of.

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