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Carefree giggles escape Calypso's mouth when she wraps her arms tighter around Victorias middle.

The blonde girl lets out a light laugh and steers the brightly coloured Vespa down a narrow lane, rushing past little cafes with red sunshades, people with straw hats and summer clothes enjoying the early evening breeze.

After staying inside for the majority of the day, they've decided to treat Calypso to an authentic Italian dinner at their favourite little restaurant in Rome.

Hidden away behind a crooked olive tree they park the rented Vespas and smooth down their clothes before entering the restaurants courtyard.

"You finally made it, I am starving", Damiano exaggerates the girls delay, he himself only arrived a few minutes prior to them.

Earning a smack on the back of his head from Calypso as she walks past he laughs and Victoria makes up an excuse for their delay I had to drive slower, because someone was weighing us down.

Calypsos eyes widen and she pouts, kicking Vic in the shin when she sits down opposit to her.

Their banter is interrupted by a waiter that greets the band with warm hugs and eventually even wraps his arms around Calypso.

"So are all Italians are super touchy, I thought it was only you guys"

Her surprised exclamation causes laughter to erupt around the table and Thomas comes to her rescue with an explanation.

We're like family here, we come here at least once a week, our little secret getaway restaurant.

After translating the menu for Calypso and using reference pictures on Google to facilitate the ordering process for her, she lets them pick a dish for her with the condition that it is vegetarian.

With the food there comes the wine and the longer the night draws on, the more alcohol is consumed.

Wine was quickly replaced by cocktails that were filled to the brim and decorated with fresh lemons and oranges.

Calypso would not have thought it possible but with the flow of alcohol, everyone's tounge loosen and they get even touchier with each other than before.

Now all of them being drunk, they leave their vehicles hidden behind the olive tree and decide to walk, at least a little bit of the way, back to their house.

The air is mild, with the sun gone and the bright, full moon illuminating the cobbled streets of Italy's capital city, Calypso can't help herself and she grabs Damianos hand who happens to walk closely next to her.

She interlaces their fingers and pulls him forward, skipping on the sidewalk and laughing like crazy.

Their laughter echos back from the houses, lining the nearly empty side lanes they are walking on and soon, all five of them are skipping and laughing.

High on adrenaline and endorphins they arrive back at the house, waiting patiently for them in the moonlight.

Once the rush of the night has worn off and Calypso is alone in her dark room she is wide awake.

When before she nearly fell asleep while brushing her teeth, she now feels more awake than she ever did.

The most logical thing for her is to grab her book and sneak out into the backyard, at least read some chapters instead of waisting time just staring at the ceiling.

Tiptoeing down the hallway and carefully maneuvering herself through the messy living room, without knocking over any empty bottles or slipping on discarded pieces of clothing, she finally makes it outside.

The grass feels cool under her bare feet and she is grateful for the full moon, now she doesn't have to use her phone as a flashlight.

This time she decides to curl herself up on a garden lounge that is placed next to the pool, now shimmering in a fluorescent blue, reflecting the white light of the moon.

"Can't sleep?"

Calypso flinches at the sudden voice behind her, she whirls around trying to locate the owner of the voice.

Ethan stands a few steps behind her, wearing only pajama shorts waiting for her response with his head cocked to the side.

"Maybe I am sleep walking", she pats the free space at the foot of her garden lounge and then adds "More like sleep reading".

He takes the hint and sits down on the lounge, his bare legs only millimeters away from hers.

"Why are you up?", she inquires and uses her book to point at him.

Ethan shrugs and shifts around, mumbling something under his breath that she can't understand maybe because it was Italian or because he doesn't want her to hear.

He grabs the book from her hands and flicks through the pages with a concentrated book on his face and holds up a page where she scribbled a lot of French and English words between the lines.

"My favourite book, and this page holds my favourite quote", she explains and moves closer to him.

Blame it on the alcohol or the moonlight that seems to surround them in a magical aura where mundane boundaries, that Calypso set for herself, don't exist.

"I am made of memories", she decides to share with him, that she dreams of getting it permanently inked on her skin, forever reminding her that memories are all that's left of us when we die.

When he asks her about the placement of the tattoo she shrugs, not really given that a lot of thought.

"I think it would look nice here", he reaches out to touch the delicate skin on the inside of her left arm, right in the crook of her arm.

The touch sends shivers over her body and she nods, his fingers still barely touching her.

"Will you read something to me?", he asks and leans back, putting a little distance between them finally Calypso can breathe again.

Surprised she raises an eyebrow, not wanting to sound rude but she doubts he'll understand much.

"I want to learn", he explains when he sees the confusion on her face and she smiles.

There is a reason why some people nickname alcohol liquid confidence and tonight Calypso understands why.

An invisible force seems to draw her closer to Ethan, seeing him sit on the edge of the garden lounge is not for her clouded mind, she wants to get closer again.

His chaste touch on her arm was like a first taste and now she wants more, even though it is hard for her to breathe when he is close.

"Come here", she beckons him closer to her, moving aside so he can lay down next to her.

Hesitating for a few seconds their eyes meet and he is searching for sincerity in hers and she doesn't know what she looks for in his.

When he does move closer to her, Calypso needs a minute to get to used to his skin touching hers again.
Concealing her insecurity by flicking through the pages of the book she doesn't dare to sneak another glance at him.

He is a good listener, asking careful questions about vocabulary once in a while but slowly growing tired so his words slur both from the alcohol in his system and the fatigue.

Calypso's eyes are heavy and she needs to blink quickly in order to be able to read the words on the pages.

Both fall asleep to the sound of the birds waking up, singing songs to chase away the night and welcome the morning.

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