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Damiano's bed  is big enough for two people to sleep on without once touching each other.

However Calypso and Ethan are entangled,legs wrapped around legs, chest against back.

The sun creeps through the thin curtains and specks of light play on their bodies, giving them ethereal beauty.

Synchronised breaths and peaceful dreams mirrored on their faces.

"You think they fucked?", Thomas asks, his voice not louder than a whisper and Victoria slaps him on the back of his head.

The three of them are standing in the door of Damiano's bedroom, one of the last rooms they went through on their search for their friends.

"Should we wake them?", Damiano awkwardly scratches his neck watching the pair sleep peacefully in his bed.

"Leave them be", Victoria warns and pushes the boys out of the room, dragging them through the hallway and into her own room, shutting the door before she continues to speak.

"Let them sleep and figure things out, we are all curious but they need to come to terms with what they want".

Waking up in a bed that is neither hers nor Victoria's ;Calypso feels a sudden sense of panic until her memories are restored within a few seconds.

Feeling the weight of Ethan's legs on hers, the slight pressure of his arm wrapped securely around her middle she closes her eyes again.

She has to admit, it feels nice waking up with his body pressed to hers and despite the heat of the midday, she enjoys how safe she feels.

Once she fully wakes up, she'll realise that she let her walls down last night and she'll blame it on the stupid thunderstorm or on Vic for leaving her alone in the house with him.

You and him will never work out, he is famous now and in only a couple weeks you'll be back in France only seeing them again once the next summer comes around.

Her rational thoughts chase away all the romantic ideas her head produced, telling her that there is just now way for them to work out.

Maybe Calypso hides behind that, behind the fact that Ethan is now famous and blames her fears on only that factor, when in reality she is just scared of love.

It is true, not that there was any reason for her to be afraid of love. Her parents are in a loving relationship, no one in her family has ever gotten a divorce and her friends have always shown her plenty of love.

But somehow Calypso's greatest fear is love.

The commitment scares her, being so vulnerable, giving a person her all. No matter how many times she tells herself that Ethan would rather jump off a bridge than break anyone's heart, she still fears that one day she won't be enough for him.

Or worse, one day he won't be enough for her and she'll end up breaking his precious heart. She would never be able to forgive herself for that, the selfless boy so broken because of her.

Certainly she'd never see the others again or at least nothing would ever be the same again, their whole dynamic would change.

Change is a great power.

Why do things ever need to change? Why did her idiotic mind decide that falling for Ethan was the best possible option?

Eventually she falls back asleep and when she wakes up again, with no concept of time like everytime you fall asleep when the sun is already up, the bed besides her is empty.

Meeting Victoria in the bathroom, the blonde girl keeps quite of the fact that her and the other two had found Ethan and Calypso sleeping like long lovers.

Instead Vic tells Calypso about their night in town, while Calypso showers and Vic sits on the edge of the bathtub, painting her toenails a bright red colour.

"I was so scared for you here", Vic yells ower the sound of the running water and Calypso smiles, washing her hair with shampoo trying to not get it into her eyes.

"I was worried you'd have to stay in town for another night, and we would be stuck here with no power", she answers.

"What did you do last night?", Vic asks carefully to see what her friend is willing to reveal, curious but doesn't want to force her to talk.

"We made up and then we wanted to watch a movie but due to the power cut we were left in the dark with only our bodies to entertain ourselves with".

The water has stopped running so Calypso can cleary hear the bottle of nailpolish drop from her friends hands into the bathtub.

"You had sex?", Victoria is shocked by her friends words and curses trying to wipe the nailpolish from the white tiles.

"Kidding Vic, we played cards and I did his hair", deliberately leaving out that they slept together in Damiano's bed.

"You are awful, I was already planning your wedding, was thinking about Twilight meets Paris".

Everything feels normal again, no one is fighting, the friends are blasting music from the speakers set up in the backyard and everyone is singing along, picking up leaves and tree branches that the storm had blown into the garden.

Thomas and Ethan are cleaning the pool, using a litte net to catch a frog that fell in and now can't seem to get out again.

Damiano sneaks up on Vic and Calypso, gesturing to them to drop their gardening tools and baskets and help him perform his attack on the other two.

With ease the three stroll towards the boys, them still occupied with their net not wasting a thought on their friends.

"Now", Damiano has a mischievous grin on his face when he utters the word to the two girls and all at once they dart towards Ethan and Thomas.

The water of the pool splashes around when five bodies fall into it, breaking the clean surface.

"What did you do that for?", Thomas coughs up water and hits the nearest person he can reach, that being Victoria.

"It's a hot day and we all need some cooling down", the oldest simply states, floating on his back.

Ethan wraps his arms around Damiano's middle and drags him under with him, revenge.

Everyone is yelling, splashing water and trying not to get dragged under by someone else, laughter and shrieks a soundtrack of the hot afternoon.

See, this is why you can't risk dating and breaking up. They mean everything to you but when you break his heart or he'll break yours, there is no going back to this, to carefree happiness.

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