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To say  that Victoria deAngelis is trying to convince Calypso to speak to Ethan would be an understatement.

Nearly every time the two girls are alone, the blonde tries to bring up the topic and lists countless arguments to why Calypso should finally dare to open her mouth.

You never had any problems talking to boys so why start now?

Yes, talking to other boys is easy, Calypso is convinced that even talking to a superstar like Harry Styles would be easier than talking to Ethan.

Either Vic doesn't want to understand Calypso's desperate explanations or she simply chooses to ignores them.

"I promise you Caly, I will lock you two in and throw away the keys if that's the only way I can get you two to talk and you to sleep in your room again", she threatens with a mischievous smirk that Calypso knows all to well.

"Don't you dare do that Vic, or your bass will be swimming in the ocean alongside your fancy clothes", Calypso warns and tries to look dangerous, not really convincing giving that she is wearing a cropped hello kitty shirt.

"You touch my bass, I burn your books", with that the argument is settled with giggles both girls would never touch the others most important things.

"Seriously though, I feel like Dam and Tom suspect things contrary to peoples believe they are not stupid", Vic steers the conversation back to the topic that Calypso wants to ignore for the rest of her life if necessary.

"Are they going to pester Ethan about it as much as you annoy me with this?", Calypso sighs and rolls on her back, her head hitting the headboard of Victorias bed still trying to avoid her own bedroom, despite having changed the sheets and turned over the matress, not being able to sleep there at night.

"Probably", Vic throws a pillow at Calypso's head and gets up from the bed announcing that she is going to take a shower now.

"Gosh Vic did you forget something? I was half asleep again", Calypso groans when someone opens the door to the room.

Instead of Victoria, Ethan stands in the door way and Calypso quickly sits up covering her body with the duvet suddenly embarrassed that she is wearing this super small hello kitty shirt.

"You slept here?", he asks surprised and somehow this innocent question causes her blood to boil.

"Well sleeping in my bed has gotten a little weird after someone shagged a girl in it", she spits and watches his expression change, cheeks now a burning red colour.

"Look I am sorry about that Calypso I was drunk and I-", he starts to explain but Calypso isn't done with letting out her anger.

"You could have apologized to me the next morning but no you choose to ignore it", she is full on yelling at him,her French accent comes out with her anger.

Alarmed by the yelling the rest of the house residents gather in the hallway, Vic wet from her shower and leaving a trail of wet footprints on the wooden floor.

Hearing Calypso violently curse in French and Ethan trying to calm her with his English fading more and more into Italian, the others decide to intervene.

"He has the audacity to pretend that he is sorry for shagging a girl in my bedroom?", Calypso accuses and hides her face in a pillow letting out a muffled scream.

Vic made the boys leave her room, hoping that calming Calypso would finally bring her to have a conversation with Ethan.

"How do you know he isn't just also avoiding the topic just like you?", she inquires while dressing in a beautiful embroidered blouse, checking her appearance in the floor length mirror hanging on her wall.

Calypso lifts her head from the pillow "You think so?".

Vic rolls her eyes and sits crossed legged on the floor, doing her make up while speaking "Yes I do, you both are avoiding each other and to be honest it is extremely annoying", she starts.

"There is static in the atmosphere like something is going to blow up any minute and with you snapping at him it feels like the start of a big fight and I don't want to pick a side".

"Please just talk to him okay?", Vic says when Calypso stays silent only watching her friend do her make up.

"I have a date now, with Sara so please promise me both you and Ethan are still alive when I come back".

Suddenly she feels ashamed worrying her friend so much and not even asking her why she was getting ready.

"Have fun babe", she wraps her arms around Vic, who pushes her away and drily mentions that she should probably take a shower soon.

Who needs enemies when you have friends like this?

Laughing at Calypso's shocked face, Vic leaves the room blowing her a kiss and reminding her to go and talk to Ethan as soon as possible.

Something about letting the air out before the balloon explodes in your face.

Wondering who the balloon is, her or Ethan, Calypso grabs her shower things and turns up her favourite song on the speakers.

Knowing very well that she'll spend as much time in the bathroom than she can, forgetting about Ethan when the water hits her body.

What Vic failed to mention was that both Thomas and Damiano are also out, having left to town together with the blonde girl and leaving Ethan and Calypso home alone.

She curses her friend under her breath when she realises but bites down hard on her bottom lip, stomach turning at the thought of facing Ethan.

He is sitting on the couch, phone in his hand and an Italian news channel playing in the background saying something about a thunderstorm.

Great another thing for her to worry about, she is terrified of thunder.

"Can we talk?", she asks after a while of just watching Ethan and gathering her courage.

"Fine but don't curse me out in French again, I understand more than I can and I refuse to be called a sale fils de pute again",he seems genuinely hurt by Calypso's previous outburst.

"Scusa", she is still standing not knowing if she should sit down next to him, now embarrassed for yelling but that's just how she is used to fight.

Ethan pats the spot next to him on the couch and both lean on the arm rests opposite from each other, good for Calypso because if he would touch her right now she would probably burst out crying again.

"Again I am very sorry Caly, I was drunk and there was someone else in my room,your room was available so please don't be mad at me", he begins by repeating his previous apology to her.

She nods, pretending to be satisfied by his words but all that she really wanted to hear him say was I did in your room because you are always on my mind, I pretended it was you under me.

Guess not everyone's mind is as messed up as Calypso's.

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