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Wrapped in  Ethans arms, a secure hold on her waist, Calypso wakes and happiness rushes through her veins.

It's been two days since their talk, endless teasing of their friends and loving kisses.

Of course Calypso still worries about the future, there is no button for her to switch off the annoying voice inside of her head that is constantly telling her how long distance relationships never work, especially with a boyfriend that has suddenly risen to fame.

When her dark thoughts seem to get the best of her and her usually vibrant green eyes turn dull and sad, Ethan is quick to speak encouraging words.

He understands her worries but promises her that he'd call her everyday and visit her as much as he possibly can.

Currently they are still in bed, despite the morning heat they are holding each other close memorising the other's touch for lonely hours that are to come.

"Are you dressed?", Vic's muffled voice gets a little clearer when she carefully opens the door, covering her eyes with her hand.

"Don't pretend that you haven't seen us naked before Vic", Calypso laughs at her friends behaviour.

"We'll seeing you naked together brings images to my mind that I would love to erase", the blonde chuckles but drops her hand.

Climbing into the bed next to Calypso, without being invited to do so, she announces that Damiano,Thomas and her would join Sara and a couple of her friends for a cultural day, hiding from the merciless summer sun inside of Rome's many museums.

Calypso knows that Vic is trying to give her and Ethan some time alone, tomorrow her train back to France departs and everytime she thinks about it her heart aches.

In the span of three minutes, somehow the other two remaining band members have found their way into the room and onto the bed.

"I don't think I have ever sweat this much", Damiano complains and demonstrates just how sweaty he is by sticking his bare leg against Ethans.

"You were the ones invading our privacy, it was perfectly fine here without you", Ethan laughs and nudges his friend causing Damiano to grab a hold of Thomas so that he doesn't fall from the bed.

"Let's leave the lovers to themselves and get some well needed education by looking at old stones", Thomas yawns and lets himself slide off the bed,dragging Victoria with him.

"Can we just lay here forever?", Calypso sighs and shifts around so she can look into Ethans eyes, they have been enjoying the silence after their friends left and just continued to hold each other.

"I'd give everything to just keep you with me Caly", he mumbles his voice laced with sadness and Calypso traces the lines on his face with her fingers.

"Me too".

For a split second Calypso debated on just staying with them, join them wherever they need to go, stand front row at each of their concerts and cheer them on, but deep down she knows that would only be a temporary happiness for her.

Having always been an independent and free person she would hate to rely on Ethan and his income for everything, also she loves her job back in France way to much to just drop it not after working so hard to get it.

Dreaming about her future with Ethan helps to keep the dark thoughts at bay and her tears from spilling again, she had cried enough during her stay in Italy no more tears.

"Let's go out for brunch, somewhere by the beach and have a nice last day", Ethan suggests while getting up and helping Calypso climb out of the tangled sheets.

She loves the idea, spend a last summer day with him and memorise every single second of it, record it with her mind and replay the scenes back at home when missing him gets too much.

Wearing a colourful, flowy summer dress and a big floppy hat to keep her scalp from getting burned, Calypso grabs her tote bag from the hanger and just before she leaves her room she grabs the copy of the song of Achilles chucking it in along with a black pen.

After quickly checking in with the others via text, they decide to take the car to the beach since they don't feel like drinking today not wanting anything to dull their senses.

Even though it is incredibly cheesy to say but Calypso feels drunk on love already.

During the car ride it is impossible for her to keep her eyes off of Ethan, the way his hair blows in the wind, though he has it tied back in a bun, how his eyes are concentrated on the road but he still somehow manages to flash a smile at her from time to time.

He reaches for her hand every time they have to stop at a red light, squeezing it lovingly before he starts driving again.

The cafe he found online looks even better in person, the view is immaculate the ocean shining in greens and blues, reflecting the bright sunlight.

Munching on delicious fresh fruits, drinking very strong italian coffee and talking so much in between every bite that their coffee would have turned cold if it hadn't been about 40 °C outside.

Spending a large amount of time at the cafe, people watching, talking and eating, they decide to go on a walk to stretch their legs and cool their feet in the ocean.

"We can come back here every summer, just us this can be our spot", Calypso excitedly announces and reaches for his hand, like two missing puzzle pieces their hands fit together perfectly.

"I'd love that", he smiles at her and her happiness, taking a mental picture of her flowing brown hair and sparkling eyes filled with childish joy from walking over the damp sand, waves gently crashing at their ankles when they walk a little closer to the water.

With the sun on their backs they climb up a little boulder, Ethan always making sure Calypso didn't slip in her sandals holding on to her hand until she securely takes a seat next to him.

From up here, the ocean seems even wider, endless blue and Calypso understands the curiosity and fear that has tied humans to it ever since the beginning of sea travel.

"Wish we could stop time", she mumbles when Ethan wraps his arms around her, helping her sit more comfortably by leaning against his chest.

"If we stop time, how can we be making more memories?", he asks with a smile and Calypso presses a quick kiss to his lips, he still tastes like coffee.

Just like in the beginning of their summer, when Calypso and Ethan were dancing around each other, hopelessly in love but both to scared and shy to admit it, she grabs her book from the tote bag.

When she starts to read again, Ethan holds her even closer kissing the top of her head from time to time.

Stopping once in a while at a particularly good sentence that they both enjoyed, she scribbles annotations in her book and then hands it to Ethan.

"Keep it, read it when you miss me and when we see each other again we'll read it together again", she smiles, this time it is harder for her to hide the sadness from her eyes when she looks at him.

Maybe this won't last forever, maybe Ethan's work and Calypso's worries will break their relationship sooner than they'd expected or they'll stay together until they both pass away from old age, peacefully falling asleep and never waking up again.

Memories will be what's left of us and Calypso surely made a lot of them during her summer in Italy, forever reminiscing in the feeling of Ethan's skin on hers of his words in her ears.

Forever is a beautiful concept but learning to live in the moment and to not waste precious seconds on being scared of the future is what Calypso truly learned in her last days.

For her and Ethan are now too, made of memories. 

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