Chapter 41: Secrets And Lies

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"Thank you." I praise the dragon, petting his nose. "I thank you for my life, Dragonheart.

"What is your name, Endamin?"

"My name (sighs) is freedom, I am the Prince of light. You and the others can call me Canton." I inform, the dragon's eyes widening. He bows to me. Then nods. Spreading his wings.

"I will gladly tell the others. We will support you my Prince. Swing by the city Verucchi. Inform our surface King Grellvo and we shall back you." He says before taking off.

I wave and smile. Turning around, smile falling. Meeting eyes with other brown eyes. A monk stares back at me, a smile playing upon his curling lips. He bows. I do the same. Looking at the large shrine with a huge dragon monument behind it. In separate edges of the deck are the monuments of Earth, Air, Water, Ice, Fire, and darkness. I glance at the other monks. Inspecting as some use all elemental powers in a quick sequence. Mouth slightly ajar in amazement. Walking beside the oldest of the monks. Watching them amazed. Stopping as he sits down in front of the air monument. Touching it. It shines bright like the sun. I cover my eyes and smile at the monk. But frown deeply. Looking at the nub that I exists instead of my left hand. The monk gives me a sincere look of sadness but also gives me an expression I haven't seen before. He crosses his arms. His black cloak draping around him.

"What is the matter, child?" He questions. I look at him, puzzled.

"They said that with my hand gone I can't use my full power. Is...that true?" I respond, unhappy.

"No." The elder monk answers.

"No?" I ask, eyes wide. Shaking my head furiously, "No?"

"No. (smirks) if that is what they told you it was to make you feel weak and useless. The stupid Endamin that had told you that has obviously no hope for a bright future." The elder monk explains, shuffling his gaze to the monument with a long sigh, "Favera hasn't even been truthful to you."

"What do you mean?"

"Canton, Freedom, you are the rightful King of Aripostale."

"Aripostale? You mean Favera?" I scrunch my brows up, confused.

"Aripostale is your mothers name. Favera changed the city's name. I hope you learn to understand what I am about to tell you, child."

"I want to. I do."

"Favera is not your mother...but your sister." The monk pauses, my mouth hangs ajar, eyes opened.

"I don't understand. She said-"

"Favera has lied to you and everyone in the air clan. Lithu and your father have also lied. They all know about you being her brother but refuse to tell you. So I will be the bigger Endamin and tell our rightful King of this lie." I sit cross legged on the ground, looking up at the old monk. He sits down too. A smile on his face. "Your real mother and father fought in the last war. You were preserved away in your mothers womb. No one expected you stay in the womb for over a thousand years. It was the power that she possessed that she had gifted to you that kept you alive and growing for the last thousand years. When word got out that Freedom was born, we monks were very excited to meet you. But Favera grew jealous and angry. Before we could go she sent you to Earth. Many air clan wondered why but us monks knew the truth. Favera wanted to be Queen and she was very greedy. She was pregnant with Prince Mynx but we all saw what she had done to that poor child. Deformed by hatred. Favera hated Ollovis for so long. In her anger, she participated in the last clan war in which she locked herself in the orb and locked the air clan away from the world. Favera was the cause of the last war involving Luckie and his army. She knew the Mage that cursed him and gave her enough money to last a dozen lifetimes of luxury. Luckie did not see it coming. Ollovis was devastated, his best friend had betrayed his own clan. Killing off more than 80 percent of the air clan race. Favera is to be at fault. Freedom, your parents names were Halivok and Aripostale. They were great people. Full of life and happiness. Like you, they were lied to by many people. The one you call Lithuannai killed your father. (My mouth hangs open) while Favera tried to kill you and your mother. I was there. So do not doubt me."

Enda (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now