Chapter Sixteen: Get Down And Dirty. Get Your Head Outta The Gutter! XD

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"You little bitch!" Ujik screams, transforming into his full vampire and dashing towards a tip-toeing Dukem.

Dukem smirks and twirls his sword around his back snapping it forward. Whipping Ujik back in a blind rage. Ujik crashes into a wall across the room from Dukey. I stare very amused. Dukem spits on the ground. Then jumps out the way of Ujik's power attack. Ujik can run extremely fast and attack quickly. Now I'm confused and impressed. Dukey is trained very well. His feet leave a small imprint of dust where he was but he has disappeared. Ujik growls and his head snaps around the ceiling. Looking for his target. Dukem drops down behind Ujik, hitting the ground making no sound at all. Then quickly positions his blade on Ujik's neck. Ujik stops searching only to realize what just happened. Dukem flicks his tongue, unimpressed.

"Ujjie, you need to listen harder and move faster. How are you going to help us fight?" Dukem asks, lifting up his blade and sliding his sword back in its resting place. Before walking away from a raging Ujik. Ujik drops to the ground and pounds his fists on the ground. I wince as the rock floor starts to crack. Ujik returns back to normal and points a finger at Dukem, hastily.

"One day, I'm gonna beat you." He proclaims, Dukem just nods and then yawns.

"And I will be a hundred by then." Dukey stabs at Ujik, "Ujjie just fight one of the soldiers. I'm a little too advanced for you. I've been training like this my whole life. I'm a good assassin but I'm not great, not yet. But it's taken me all my life to fight like this. A lot of practice, that's how you get better."

"Practice makes perfect." Daegi chirps in, his face clean but a dirt covered Zi stands beside him looking very tired having trained with him.

"You have a fucking ancient dragon King in that book!!!!" Ujik protests against Daegi's answer. Giving him the finger and walking away. I refrain from laughing.

"Well, that was...eventful." Suzuki says, then we laugh. Ujik is a softy when it comes to how he fights.

"But he is right. You do have an old dragon in that book. You don't even have to try to fight. Just swing your tail and kill off like 4 or 5 soldiers. It's actually a pretty sweet deal." I say, making Daegi smile wide. He nods, happily.

"Canton, are you ready to train with me?" Suzuki asks me, I nod but he stops me from moving.

"What's wrong?"

"I can give you the knowledge of other elements right now. If you want to that is? It is tiring but knowing different elements will help get you by faster. So what do you think?" Suzuki offers.

"Oh...ok. Sure, splash it on me." I joke, but flinch as a sudden knife is gliding across my palms. My mouth hangs open. Suzuki does the same. Holding our bleeding hands together.

"Squeeze your palms and manage your power between your hands and your eyes. I will share the knowledge of ice and fire with you. Ready?" Suzuki asks, again I nod, unsure.

I squeeze my hands and focus. My hands lighting up and my eyes feeling heavy. Suzuki's hands shine blue and red like his eyes. Then he looks into my eyes, I do the same. Focusing. A line of light comes from my eyes connecting with Suzuki's. Before getting engulfed in the red and blue lines. The lines form together creating a chain of air, ice and fire before suddenly flicking itself into Suzuki and my eyes quickly. I wince and clamp my eyes together. Wiping my eyes. Fuck that hurt. I feel really tired. What happened? Opening my eyes, they blur but return to normal. Suzuki rubs his head. Wincing slightly. Then looks at me.

"I didn't tell you to show me how to use air." He scolds, "That hurt."

"Like yours didn't hurt me." I respond swaying, "I need to sit down. Now." I flop onto the ground with my legs feeling like jelly.

"You okay, guys?" Daegi asks, glancing in between us.

"Yeah, we should rest." Suzuki announces, I stare at him confused.

"Hold on, we didn't even train. Or use any of what we just learned." I protest, Suzuki sighs and holds his hand out hastily plucking me up from the ground. I feel tired.

"We may have not trained but we learned different elements today. Tomorrow I will teach everything I know about fire and ice. But today, we must sleep on just learning the basics." Suzuki explains, I nod.

"Alright, alright. I get it." I wave my hand, "Let's go back to the room now. I'm tired and hungry."


Sorry if this one is short. But the guys need to rest. Canton's learning other elements (>w<) that's awesome.

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