Chapter Twenty-Two: Dat Power Doe *o*

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"How much longer, Ujjie?" Daegi whines, limping. My feet burn. I wince every time I take a step.

"Yeah, the sun's are down. Ujik we need to rest." I agree.

"Just a little bit further." Ujik answers, walking faster.

"Ujik!" Daegi screams, his legs giving out under him. Zi snatches him up in his arms and holds him like a bride. "Okay, never mind. We can go further."

"You can but I c..."


"Whoa!" Daegi shouts, a big bronze dragon with rainbow coloured scales in his wings lands in front of the group in the middle of the endless fields of overgrown grass and flower patches. I recognize the eyes. Mulnire stares back at me. Then rests his head on the ground. I grimace.

"I am not going to ride you to Lithuannai." I protest to his idea.

"Canton, hurry up. You will need to use your power to open the sealed doors and it will take a while." Mulnire informs me, I sigh then walk up his neck slowly. "Just hurry up. It doesn't hurt me."

"Okay, holy shit." I snarl, sitting down on his shoulders. "Off we go."

"Hold on." Mulnire commands.

I feel the ground below his feet disappear and my eyes widen as we hover over the guys then start flying fast I scream like a girl for a while as Mulnire turns a 160 degree turn and I scream like a woman giving birth falling sideways off of his shoulders. I clamp my hands over my eyes as the ground gets closer. Dropping onto something hard yet scaly. Then hear a deep throaty chuckle. Peeking through my fingers a huge door with a circular sign and a gust of wind painted with black ink on it appears to be built into the side of a mountain. There it is Lithuannai.

"Mulnire..." I trail off, staring at the old rusted brown door frames of the ancient city. Placing my hand on the bottom of the huge door. Eyes tracing over the painted air image in the circle. Can I really open this?

"Use your voice. The power is within you." Mulnire commands, that short flight would take the guys a few minutes. I look at the door unsure of myself.


"I believe in you." The big dragon huffs out, a ring of smoke floating past me. I nod, still unsure and stand back from the door.

"Moment of fucking truth." I announce, "Please work."

"Don't waste time." Mulnire says, standing beside me in human form with no shirt and ripped sandy shorts on. I stare at his muscles. He smirks at me. Smack! "What did I just say?"

"You didn't have to slap me!" I yell, rubbing my pained cheek. I couldn't help it. He's just so...yup.

Mulnire leaves my side and I clamp my fists shut. Gathering up my power like Suzuki has shown me. My eyes feel heavy. Suzuki says that element bending gets easier as I do it. I won't need to gather and would be able to fight like a soldier. Air here, there, everywhere. The power builds in my palms and glow a blinding white. The door circle reacts glowing faintly. I cannot believe this shit. It's working. I sigh in relief. Baerin and Aranok you better damn be ready to fight. The circle burning brighter. Pain erupts in my chest. I scream, air crashing like chunks of ice into water bangs onto the big door. Making it gleam with life. The door's rust fades and it looks brand new. Instead of stopping for the stupid necklace, I push it. Power overflowing in my veins. I growl out loud and suddenly a circle of wind gusts around me. Mulnire retreats further away. The blinding white light from my palms erupts and takes over my body slowly. Yet again, I scream at the door. The gears in the circle starts to turn. The wind makes my hair fly in my face and makes my eyes water. Dirt and pieces of grass in the spinning whirlwind. My protection.

"Yeah, go Canton!!" Daegi and Ujik's voice cheers from the hill where Mulnire had ran to.

I smirk then raise my hands ahead of me. The light consuming my neck. The pain hard to bear but I need it to make me scream louder. I clap my hands together gathering more power to shoot at the old door. Power spiralling out around me to tell me it's escaped. I growl then finally give the last of myself up to the overwhelming power consuming me. Suddenly everything is brand new. The doors are sparkling. People's voices speak in hushed tones. Dragons fly above the city. I grin.

"Open the fuck up!" I hiss, flicking my head at the door.

The power through me quickly drains down into my hands and I am blinded as the huge watermelon like ball in my hand goes shooting at the door. Falling to my knees as the doors gears start churning and the doors start to open up. I gasp for air. Looking down as something catches my ears. A crackling sound. Then see the necklace broken in halves. Oops. I scoop it up and hold it tight. Gazing up from the ground.

Lithuannai is rusted on the inside and skeletons lay on the paved street. The power in the gates rushes through the place restoring its beauty. The place sparkles with life but there is none to be found. The skeletons of the remaining ones fade away into the gust of wind going through the city. I can't help but feel like I've rescued stranded souls. Like they've been returned to nature itself as the wind. The gust of wind comes back and flies through me. Whispers and laughs are in my ears before disappearing forever. A giant light from the sky shoots down and it reveals the location that was opened. I feel like shit now. Oralile will see that and know something's up. Fuck. The light from the sky gives light to all the glowing stones on the ceiling. Lighting up Lithuannai once again.

"That was so cool, Canton!" Daegi gushes running towards me. I slump my shoulders and sigh. He grabs me and excitedly hugs me.

"Off, now, off." Zi commands, pointing at the ground.

"Bitch." Daegi growls, letting me go. Picking up a rock and throwing it at Zi. Zi flicks it away with his hand. Unimpressed with that childish act. Gazing at Daegi.

"Bitch." Zi repeats, under his breath. I chuckle. This is definitely my team. We all fit in some way.

"Well, it's open. Let's head in and rest here." Ujik commands, I nod. Mulnire lifts me up into his arms. I stare at him.

"I can walk..."

"I feel closer to my ancestors just with you opening the door. I will carry you to your bed and you will rest. You need it Canton." Mulnire cuts me off. I am in no way capable of walking after all that pain anyways. The group walks into the city. Ujik looks around as if he's been here before. I take a note to ask later on. I lean my head against Mulnire's chest and begin to doze.


Sorry but I promise to update more when I reach chapter thirty. :D Sound okay? In a week or so. If Skyrim doesn't keep me busy lol It's my obsession :3

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