Chapter 32: A Horrible Change Of Fate...

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"Canton!" Daegi says, tapping my shoulder. I huff and peek up at him. Arms flinging around as Zi gives me a piggy back ride. For maybe like 4 hours now. I blink.

"Fuck off." I hiss, tiredly. Then plop my head back onto Zi's shoulder and try to fall back asleep.

"But we're here."


Looking up my eyes land upon a huge wooden door with Eagle rock sculptures around the frame. My eyes widen as it opens and eyes stare back at us. The first pair serious and fierce. The other, an extremely happy guy waving happily. Both with orange glossy eyes, bright neon green hair wearing the same white t-shirt and black dress pants. The tall serious one lifts up the happy short guy by his collar and ushers us in. Zi lets my legs go and I dash ahead to follow them into the city.

Behind the wooden door is an entirely new world. Full of grass, butterflies, flowers and children running around in a park. Almost like on Earth. The short one skips with the little kids.

"My name is Baerin. That idiot is Aranok." Baerin points at Aranok trying to fit into a skinny tunnel for kids. His happy face turns freight full. Then cheerful.

"Baerin! Oh my God!" Aranok pulls out a chipmunk that lays in his palms staring at him, "It's fat and too serious, just like you!"

"Fuck o-"

"Aww, look he's kissing my finger." Aranok gushes, the chipmunk chomped down on his finger. I stare, unimpressed and quite shocked. This is our back up. I'm so impressed. Blah. Baerin dashes to Aranok. Aranok's expression turning grim as the small animals bites harder onto his finger, "Baerin!!"

"Fucking animal!" Baerin yells, prying the teeth off his finger and flings the chipmunk like a football into the woods. I stifle a laugh.

Blood drips from Aranok's pierced finger. Aranok's eyes glisten with tears before suddenly being filled with an evil aura. Goosebumps fill my arms as the childish Prince looks very grim. Turning to face Baerin. Baerin starts to change suddenly too. I take back what I said now. Stepping back. Their green hair turns a ghostly white and black, skin pale, fangs peek out from their mouths and the orange in their pupils completely flood their eyes. Glowing grimly.

"Aranok!!" Baerin rushes to Aranok sliding onto his knees and wrapping his arms around his dear twin brother. My mouth dries as Aranok meets eyes with me for an instant. Baerin grabs his head and holds him close, their forms returning to normal.

"Baerin, Aranok!!" A gruff clear voice shouts, children run down the dirt road.

Waving at the figure surrounded by 4 big huge black dogs with swirling black mist around them. Dressed up, black hat, faded silver hair, similar orange eyes, and a black kimono. The Earth King. People walking past us bow and continue on. I look at the twins. Lining up together for their dad to see. Aranok saluting in unison with Baerin. Beside me, Ujik and Dukem kneel down on one knee. The King glares at me. I freeze in place. Shit.

"What do you want, Freedom?" His voice shakes me to my core.

"Um...I..uh.." I stutter, the King crosses his arms, unimpressed.

"Surely you are not here for my idiot sons, are you?"

"Actually...I am."

"Such hesitation. Yes, you too see what idiots they are." Aranok and Baerin groan.

"Daddy?! Daddy?!" A girl with bright sky blue hair, rosy cheeks, pink eyes and a white puffy dress shouts, running down the road. Stopping in front of her dad.

"What is it, my sweet?" The Earth King asks, happily. Scaring me.


"My sweet, there's bad news!" A woman similar to the little girl suddenly appears beside him. Teleportation? Another older girl looking like the Queen's mini-me and looks about Daegi's age appears beside her. My shoulders slump. What is this a family reunion?! Fuck!

Enda (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now