Post Credits - Shawarma

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They sat in the partially destroyed restaurant, the staff cleaning up the broken glass as the Avengers sat at one of the unbroken tables, eating the shawarma in silence.

Okay, so I didn't really know how to do this, but here it is. Sorry about the length.

In other news, next books! The Thor spin off will be taking over the posting schedule I've used for this book and will come out next Thursday since I won't have my computer this week. I am currently still writing Annabelle's next book, but there will be another one and I am super excited about it! Another new book will be posted next Friday which will be a continuation of my 100 series if you're interested in that.

Thank you all again! I love talking with you guys and hearing your feedback. Even if you don't comment, thank you for your reads. They mean so much to me! See you all again next week!

Heat of the New World - Book 2 (The Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now