Chapter 6: The Revolution Has Begun

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Samira looks back at them and smiles, unaware that Loki was staring at her the entire time. "We need a ship." Banner states and turns away, Thor nods his head in agreement. "Need a ship," he states as they walk towards Val. "Samira, you were here for eight months, do you have any idea where the shipyard is?" Thor asks her as she walks up to him.

She nods at him, "He keeps them hidden away behind on his palace, many ships. Big and smile." she informs him and Val turns to them. "And there are two ships. Top of the line models..." she informs them. "I don't mean to impose." Loki states, Val threw her bottle at her as Samira grabs hold of another bottle and threw it at him.

Both shatter near him, Banner looks between Samira and Loki and if looks could kill. Loki would be dead on the spot from the glare, Samira was giving him. "Thor, what happened between these two?" he whispers to the thunder god. "Oh, right. Well, long story short. Loki chose the throne over Samira, throwing her to the side, like yesterday's trash." he whispers back, Banner looks at him, complete shock, and looks back at Loki. "But the Grandmaster has a great many ships. "I may even have stolen the access codes to his security system," he informs them.

Samira rolls her eyes, "And you steal from the hand that feeds you, classic you." she states and looks away from Loki, "And suddenly you're overcome with an urge to do the right thing." Val states, hands pressed at her waist. "Heavens, no. I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster and in exchange for codes and access to a ship, I'm asking for safe passage through the Anus." Loki offers them, Banner just looks around at his team, as if he was the only person that still had his common sense. "You're telling us that you can get us access into the garage without setting off any alarms?" Thor sums up.

Loki nods at him, "Yes, brother. I can." he assures him, "And what's to stop you from selling us out to gain that favor back from the Grandmaster? Oh right, nothing." Samira threw back at him, "Do you think so little of me, Samira?" he asks her, she just glares right at him, "Yes." she answers, Loki looks at her, a little hurt she even thought that. Then Banner turns to them "Okay, can I just..." he said with a whistle, getting them to huddle into a group. "A quick FYI." Banner adds. Loki sighs and looks away from them, "First of all, Samira. Thank you for not trusting him and siding with me." he states, she nods at him, padding his back, setting off another sting of jealous in Loki, Val notices the strained look of irritation in his eyes and grins to herself. "I was just talking to him just a couple of minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us." Banner informs them.

Val nods in agreement with him, "He did try to kill me." Val adds in, "Yes, me too. On many, many occasions." Thor states as he shot a glance back at Loki, who just sighs to himself, looking away. "Remember that one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake?" he asks Samira, she grips the back of her neck and nods at her, "You loved snakes, admired them greatly." she states.

He nods back at her, then looks back at the two, "So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, "Yeah, it's me!" And he stabbed me. We were eight at the time." Thor informs them as they looked back at Loki, who was smiling to himself. "Wait, was that the time, you were chasing me with a pair of scissors, threatening to cut my hair?" Samira questions him.

Thor looks away, shock she still remembers, ponders for a moment, flicks his eyes back to Samira as she was waiting for an answers, "No... I don't believe so." he mutters, but she nods her head, "Yes, yes it was. You wanted to cut my hair and make it an offering." she said and shoves his shoulder a little. He stammers over his words and looks away from her. "No comment." he states, making her cross her arms at him. "If we boosting a ship, we're gonna need to draw some guards away from the palace." Val informs them.

Loki just smiles to himself, "Why not set the beast loose?" he asks, "Shut up." Thor orders him as Samira picks up another tin cup and threw it at him, nailing him in the side of the head, "Ow." he mutters to himself, "Not one more word from you." she threatens him, he nods and curls his lips in, Val smiles as she looks between the three of them, "You guys have a beast?" she asks them, "No, there's no beast. He's just being stupid. We're going to start a revolution." he informs them. "Revolution?" Banner whispers. "I'll explain later." Thor assures him, "Who's this guy again?" Val asks him, Thor looks over at her, "I'll explain later." he assures her.

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