Chapter 7: The God of What Again

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Skurge stood before the frightened people of Asgard, "Asgardians some misguided soul has stolen the Bifrost sword. Tell us where it is or there will be consequences." he said, looking over at Hela as her loyal hound, Fenris was y her side.

Then he looks back at the people, "Bad ones." he warns them. The people looked among them as they whispered and chattered under their breaths. "Well?" he calls out, no one steps forward.

Then Hela steps out, looking down at the people in front of her, then she points her finger out to the people. "You," she states, the people scatter back as her undead soldiers march out and took hold of one of them women, Skrudge looks away in shame as he did nothing as they dragged her out and force her onto her hands and knees.

Hela tilts her head with a wicked grin, looking down at Skurge, he looks away from her then down at the woman as she just breathes with shaky breaths. Sobbing quietly as Skruge steps towards her, standing next to her. Gripping his ax in his hand, but hesitated. Looking down at the weeping woman next to her, she was scared but did not plea or beg.

He shot his eyes up at Hela as she watches, "Well? Executioner?" she calls out to him, taking a step down. He sighs and looks down at the woman once more, then raises his ax. Everyone gasped in horror as he was actually going to do it. "Wait!" a man calls out, stopping Skruge in his place. "Wait!" The man calls out again, stepping forward. "I know where the sword is," he informs her, making Hela interested.


The ship flew faster and faster through the bright light, ripping free from a black hole and drifted. The alarms in the ship went off as everything was coming back online.

Banner, Thor, and Val were passed out inside the ship as Samira was laying just on the top of the ship, out cold. Banner groans to himself, coming to. Followed by Thor and Val, all three were waking up from the blackout.

Groaning as they collect themselves, then Thor looks ahead and saw Asgard once again, "Samira." Val calls out, looking above them, Thor looks up as well, seeing her laying against the top of the ship, not even conscious. "Kept an eye on her, we'll pull her in once we reach Asgard." Thor orders.

Val nods at him and turns her gaze back to Samira as Thor flew up to the city and enters the city limits. "Never thought I'd be back here," Val said aloud, looking up at Samira. Banner unbuckles himself and stood up, looking at the city of gold. "I thought it would be a lot nicer. I mean not that it's not nice. It's just, it's on fire." he states.

Then Val did a thermal scan. "Here, up in the mountains. Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them." she warns him, Thor nods at her, "Okay, let me pull Samira back in and drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away." he informs them. "And get yourself killed?" Val questions him, "The people trapped down there are all that matter. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you two to help get everyone off Asgard." he informs them, "How the hell are we suppose to do that?" Banner questions him, "I have a man in the ground." Thor answers him and steps away from the chair.

The doors open and Thor jumps out, pulling himself on top of the ship and steps over towards Samira, and gathers her into his arms. Her entire attire has changed, along with her hair.

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