Chapter 2

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Ochako's pov:
"Deku-Kun I'm so sorry!" I say to him as I run up and hug him. It took me a few minutes to realise what he was so upset about. He loved Kirishima-Kun. He loved him a lot. But he wants Kirishima-Kun to be happy. After around ten minutes of hugging we let go of each other and he calmed down. I didn't realise that he had been crying into my shoulder. I was too busy thinking about how to help him with his situation that he's stuck in right now.
He gave me his wrist and asked me to wrap the bandages around his wrist so that no one saw his soulmates name. I nodded and did as he asked.

-20 Minutes Later-

Kirishima's Pov:
I was stood there with Denki and Mina since we were waiting for Bakugo who unfortunately was having a word with Mr.Aizawa considering he was misbehaving in class. I looked across the hall and I saw Todoroki walking up to us. "Hey....Have you seen Midoriya or Ochako?" He asked us. "No" Mina replied. "Has something happened??" Again it was Mina asking which of course she wants to know. She knows all the tea and plus Ochako is one of her Best friends. "Midoriya seemed really upset and ran off about 20-25 minutes ago. Ochako ran after him and we haven't seen them since." At first I was confused about why he said we and then I saw Iida and Tsuyu behind him. Then it hit me. Midoriya was upset. Why was Midoriya upset? He's my friend and I don't want him to be upset. Mina suddenly gasped "It's his birthday today isn't it?" As if the realisation had only just hit her which was a bit confusing because she was talking about it all morning and how we should throw him a surprise party. "Yeah it is" Todoroki replied. "Which direction did they go?!" She seemed really desperate to know which was even more confusing. "Towards the dorms." It was Iida replying this time. With that information Mina had took off running. It was almost like she knew something we didn't. She shouted over to us "TELL MR.AIZAWA THAT WE'LL BE THERE SOON! ME, OCHAKO AND IZUKU ARE JUST HAVING SOME TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES!!" And with that she was gone. Me and Denki-Bro had realised that Katsuki hadn't come out of class yet meaning that he probably got break detention. Class was about to start so we headed towards class leaving Mina, Izuku and Ochako to whatever mystery they had going on.

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