Chapter 4

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Denki's pov:
Me and Kiri-bro are walking back to the dorms from class when I saw Deku pull Bakugo aside and behind a wall clearly trying to hide that he just nicked Bakugo. "Hey Bro why did you stop?" I hear kiri-bro ask me. I look at him "Oh! I hadn't realised" I said laughing. "How about you go ahead and I'll meet you in there? I think I forgot my notebook back in class." Kiri-Bro laughed. "Of course you did. Sure bro! I'll meet you inside." He said as he walked off. I started to walk towards class and then stopped remembering that Deku and Bakugo were talking right where I had to walk. I stood there and decided to wait until they were done before I walked passed them.

Midoriya:  "When are you going to tell him?!"

Bakugo: "I'll tell him when I'm ready."

Midoriya: "You can't just do that! Hiding this will really upset him!"

Bakugo: "Yea I know but I'm trying to find a way to tell him without ending my friendships."

Midoriya: "You know he isn't like that. Listen I know what's happening ok? And I'm not saying that you need to tell him right now. I'm just saying that you need to tell him soon before it gets any worse."

Bakugo: "I will. Listen Deku. I just wanted to....I just wanted to thank you! For not calling me out or ruining my life."

Midoriya: "Of course not. You know I'm not like that."

Bakugo: "Even after everything I did to you."

Midoriya: "Kacchan stop. Yes you did a lot of horrible things but you've improved. I've seen how much you've improved here and how you've made new friends. I've forgiven you for the past Kacchan so stop worrying over it and focus on now please. Forgive yourself. You're like my older Brother now and you know it. Now I'm gonna go to Todoroki and Ochako before they get suspicious of something. Stay safe Kacchan."

Bakugo: "Bye Deku and Thank you."

Before I know it Midoriya is walking towards me. I took a few steps back and waited for him to come round the corner before I started walking towards him. I smiled at him and he smiled back and gave me a wave. I waved back and carried on walking. I walked past Bakugo and he looked at me. "OI dunce face where are you going?" I looked at him. "I left my book in class" He laughed "You mean this one? I saw you leave it behind dumbo. Catch." He said throwing the book to me. "Awww thanks Bakubro!" I said smiling at him. "Yea yea don't worry about it Dunce face." He said. "C'mon let's get to the dorms." And with that Me and Bakubro set off back to the dorms but what was him and Midoriya talking about?

-2 Hours later, In the dorms-
Izuku's Pov:
I was walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water when I saw Kacchan and Kirishima kissing. I froze and felt my heart stop for a minute. I was preventing the tears from rolling down my face and hitting the floor as I walked towards them and grabbed a glass of water along with some snacks. I didn't want to come back into the kitchen later if they were gonna be kissing in here. I turned and smiled at them both so they didn't think I was rude and quickly hurried out of the kitchen.

Kirishima: "Midoriya! How are you?"

Izuku: "Oh uh I'm alright thank you Kirishima-Kun!"

"Ok. Shitty hair let's go" was all Bakugou said as he dragged Kirishima away. He might of noticed how it was affecting me? I don't know how much longer I can stand here and watch my soulmate kiss someone else. I walked off to my room and buried myself in my blankets eating snacks and scrolling through my phone. I was sat there for a good 25-30 minutes just scrolling through my phone and eating until I heard a knock on my door. I looked up from my phone and put my snacks in the bedside cabinet and shouted at the person to come in. It was Denki. "Hey dude!" Was all I got from Kaminari. "Oh hey Kaminari-kun! What's up?" I said standing up from my bed. Kaminari looked down. "I don't understand how to practice for the test we have in like 4-5 weeks and I really don't understand anything Mr.Aizawa says in class and so I was hoping you would help me but if not then it's completely fine and I'm sorry for bothering you." That's all he said as he stared at the floor. I smiled "Of course! Come in and tell me what you're struggling with and we'll revise it."

- 5 weeks later (One month and a week later)-
Me and Kaminari-Kun are really good friends. We were friends to begin with but we've gotten a lot closer over the past 5 weeks. We've been studying for the test but we also took some breaks and during that time we spoke and got to know each other better and have fun. I believe Kaminari-Kun will do perfectly on this test! We were all relaxing and clearing our minds for the test when Kacchan suddenly started shouting causing everyone to turn their attention to both Kacchan and Kirishima who were arguing. No one could tell what the were arguing over as they were both yelling over the top of each other making it impossible to tell what they could be fighting about. That was until Kacchan stopped shouting along with kirishima and then I saw Kacchan's gaze change direction. It took me a second before I realised he was staring at me. It was then that I had realised what the fight was about and it was then that I tensed up.

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