Chapter 5

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Bakugo's POV:
I looked towards Deku and I felt the tears start to overwhelm me. I left the room in a rush and all I heard was Deku run after me yelling "Kacchan!". I started running when I realised that he wasn't alone. I stopped outside to catch my breath when Deku and Sh!tty hair caught up with me.

"Kacchan" Deku started "Its ok. I know what's going on so listen to me. It's all ok just calm down ok? Tell me what the fight is about" He said walking over and hugging me. For once I'm not wanting to blow his face off. We sat down and he kept hugging me. "Kirishima misunderstood our friendship and thought we were dating behind his back and thought you might have been my soulmate." I said clearly shocking Deku. He looked towards kirishima when I looked down, it's been a while since we last hugged, "Did you actually think me and Kacchan were dating? Not to sound rude here Kirishima but I know who my soulmate is and it certainly isn't Kacchan. He's more of a brother than anything else. Besides Kacchan wouldn't cheat. You have nothing to worry about I promise" Kirishima stood there and sighed. "I guess I was just overthinking things. I'm sorry Kat and I'm sorry Midoriya. I shouldn't of accused either of you."  "It's alright Kirishima just try to think things through from now on" was all I said.

-An hour later-
Kirishima's POV:
I was sat down with Kat wondering what the hell I've done as why I overreacted when someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" I say to whoever may be on the other side of the door. The door opens and Denki comes through. "Oh hey Denks what's up??" I said and He looked at me. "Can we talk for a minute outside??" I look at him and then stand up. "Sure bro let's go" is all I said clearly confused by the random let's talk situation but nonetheless I followed him outside the dorm and was ready to talk. "I know you, Bakubro and Mido-bro had that huge fight earlier but do you remember when I forgot my notebook in class??" Denki started. "Yea I remember that but what has that got to do with the fight that happened earlier??" I looked at him curious as to where he was going with this. "Well when I went to get my notebook I saw Baku-bro and Mido-bro talking behind a wall so I waited as I didn't want to go past and them think that I was listening which I ended up doing but not intentionally and while stood there I heard Mido-bro talk about how Baku-bro has been hiding things from you" Is all Denki had to say for my heart to stop and for my brain to start overthinking. "Wait....what??" Is all I could say.

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