and where we laid him down

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Wilbur leaned into Tubbo and Tommy's room, where all three of Bench Trio were working. The brunette looked at them, his head glowing with pride. They were all such hard workers.

"Hey, I'm going out on patrol! Tommy, wanna join me?" Tommy looked up, and shook his head.

"Nah. I'm helping Ranboo with research." That struck Wilbur as odd, since Tommy hated helping Ranboo when he was intent on looking into the weirdest things. Wilbur shrugged. It was good for Tommy to find other interests.

"Well, I'll tell you guys if I see anything interesting!" Wilbur said, turning with a dramatic flourish of his dark brown trench coat. He had recently upgraded his vigilante wear, with the help of Tubbo. His trench coat remained the same, just with more pockets inside of the jacket for gear along with his utility belt. His pants were reinforced around the knees, and his gloves were reinforced at the tips, his boots had been graced by Tubbo's tech, which had improved when he got better materials. He could now jump a lot higher and moved a bit quicker because of some boosters, it was perfect for patrol.

He waved bye to Techno and Phil, who were going over files at the kitchen island, and headed off into the concrete jungle he called a city, looking for trouble.

And trouble he would find. Two muggers that night, not the most crime but that was good. It meant that their job was working. Wilbur smiled, sitting on the edge of a roof, stretching, kicking his legs as they danged off of the edge.

That's when he noticed something. A bright green hooded and cloaked figure darting across the rooftops. Wilbur narrowed his eyes, he knew that figure.

It was Dreamcatcher. The man, the myth, the nightmare. He was a notorious hitman, going after anyone for the highest price, along with his associates. He was a right terror by the police and someone not to be crossed.

He would kill anyone, it didn't matter. He had no scruples, seemingly nothing in his twisted mind to hold him back. He was well-known in the Pit, his mask and the smile scrawled across it becoming his symbol. It was agreed that if you ever saw that mask, it would be the last thing you would see.

Some people rumored he was a demon, that he had no face. That wasn't true. Others said he would do anything for more power. True.

So Wilbur followed after him, running after the green-clad man, curious as to where he was going. They darted through the city, Dreamcatcher quickly catching onto who was following him, not that Wilbur was cared. He knew Siren was to be feared and while he wasn't as horrible as Dreamcatcher, the force behind his presence wasn't something people, not even Dreamcatcher, would push around lightly.

He ran after Dreamcatcher, even as he hopped down into the alleyways, getting him into a corner. He grabbed the short staff from his utility belt, pressing on the button on the top of it, and it extended into a full staff. Dreamcatcher laughed, raising his gloved hands.

"Hey Siren." He said and, despite the fact that his face was completely hidden by a white mask with a smiley face scrawled across it. "Good to see you on this fine night." Siren scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"What're you doing here, Dreamcatcher? Running away from some kill?" He demanded and Dreamcatcher let out a low, dangerous chuckle. It was vile.

"Nah, but you can ask Centurion." He smiled, pointing behind him. Siren turned around to see the raven-haired man holding a gun, pointed at Wilbur's chest. His hair was tied back with a strip of white fabric, his eyes narrowed.

"What did you two do." He demanded, and Centurion just shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets.

"We got our hands on some interesting information and we will be taking our leave. Do say hello to Tommy for us." Dream smiled, giving a dramatic bow before strolling out, Centurion following after the man as Wilbur stood there, shell-shocked. How did he know Tommy's real name?

Feeling a wave of anger, he raced after Dream and Centurion, but they had disappeared. With a vicious growl, he headed home, his jacket swishing behind him. He wanted to kill them, who knew what Dreamcatcher would do to Tommy.


He slammed the door close, pulling off his mask and slumped against the door. Technoblade glanced at him, giving him an odd look as he closed one of the files.

"Rough night?" He asked, helping Wilbur up. The brunette nodded, tugging off his beanie, his curly hair bouncing free.

"Want something to drink?" Wilbur nodded again, sitting on the couch, resting his hand on his cheek, his arm on the armrest. Techno came back with two cups of tea, sitting down on one of the chairs.

"I saw Dreamcatcher." Techno stiffened.

"That prick?" He muttered. It was well known throughout higher circles of the vigilante world that Damascus and Dreamcatcher had a rivalry and ended up dueling in the Ring. It was a whole thing and Techno won 6 to 4. He was the only one to be able to defeat Dreamcatcher and was the only one Dreamcatcher was actually afraid of.

"Yeah... He knew who Tommy is. Like his name, and he knows we know him." Damascus went pale, gripping his cup tighter.

"That's bad." Wilbur blew air out of his lips, nodding.

"It's really bad. Phil's gonna be pissed."

"Yup." Wilbur said, popping the p for emphasis.

"Well, I wish you luck." Techno said, taking a sip of his tea. Wilbur gave him a betrayed look.

"You're gonna make me tell him on my own!?" He exclaimed, and Techno nodded. "You are evil, Techno. You are the scum of the Earth." He shrugged, tucking a pink strand of hair behind his head.

"Maybe. But I got to get to work early tomorrow, so you have to deal with Phil." Wilbur sighed. Techno was the only one who insisted on having a day job, just in case their vigilante work didn't pay well, not like they worried. They had enough to support them, but with three new kids Techno was worried.

Wilbur sighed, setting down his finished cup of tea. "I'm gonna go to bed, I'll tell Phil in the morning."

"Oh yeah, and leave me to clean up your cup?" Techno laughed.

"You love me, Techno! C'mon, big brother Techie!" Wilbur shot back as he headed up the stairs. Techno yelled something in response, but he didn't hear.

Wilbur poked his head in, noticing Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo asleep on the floor, Tommy and Tubbo leaning on one of Ranboo's shoulders. Smiling softly, Wilbur took one of the blankets on the beds and draped it over them. He was about to leave when he noticed a crumpled bit of paper.

He picked it up, curious and headed to his own room, flicking on the lamp on his desk before uncrumpling it. He felt his stomach drop as he read it.

It was about his mother, and her apparent kidnapping.

Wilbur never knew what happened to his mother when he was seven and Phil refused to talk about it. He always looked sad on some days and went to the graveyard to leave flowers, so Wilbur assumed his mother had died.

So why was this news clipping saying she was kidnapped by Dreamcatcher?

And why did Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo have this?

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