of the dead and the wicked

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In the dead of night, they drove. Ranboo drove them to their location while Tommy, Phil and Techno went over the plan to get inside. Phil would find their way in, Tommy would sneak in and Techno would disguise himself as a new-hired guard to better get around.

A solid plan, in Ranboo's mind. But this plan did involve Tommy, so the plan could go completely off the rails. He tried to push that thought out of his mind as he pulled into the alley behind the lab.

Tubbo, with the help of Wilbur, was able to get more of his BEE-bots up and running, so he'd have eyes everywhere the security cams didn't show, and would be able to remotely deactivate them. He already had the feed looping in preparation for their great break-in.

"Be careful, Theseus." Tubbo whispered as he pulled Tommy and Ranboo into a hug.

"Always am." Tommy smirked, turning to Techno.

"Phil's already checking out the place, he found a window wiper thing that's near an outdoor service elevator. Shooting a line now." Techno said, cracking his fists. "Now I gotta find a guard to steal his shit." He mumbled, grimacing at the wig Wilbur had bought for him.

"Imagine the cash, Techno. Imagine the cash." Tommy encouraged as Techno pulled his hair into the wig cap before putting the black-haired wig on.

"I look stupid." He muttered as Wilbur fixed it a bit.

"You do, but this way you'll blend in. You'll look like a regular John Doe." Wilbur said as he arranged the strands. "There you go, you don't quite look like Technoblade. Wish you would've let me do something to hide your scars, though." He muttered.

"You are not going near my face with any of your stupid makeup products." Technoblade growled.

"Will you guys stop bickering? Theseus, all clear for you. Damascus, please get a move on." Phil's voice came through the new com in Tommy's ear.

"On my way, Night Glider!" Tommy said, giving a two-finger salute before darting up a tree, spotting the window wiper thing on the opposite building.. Time for some hardcore parkour. He hopped from a tree onto a very thin ledge below one of the windows. Carefully scaling from ledge to ledge, his fingers hurting, he got to where Phil shot the line.

Sliding down it with his gloved hands, he landed on the shaky platform and entered the service elevator.

"Alright, where to Big Men?"

"You're going to want to take it down to the main floor, there aren't many guard patrols. Too reliant on their tech and didn't realize I was here." Tommy could practically hear Tubbo's smirk.

"From there, there should be this pretentious art thing, scale that, it goes up a few levels. From there, you'll reach the labs. Connect the device we gave you, then get out. Somehow Kingmaker think's he'll be able to slip in undetected, but I have my doubts." Wilbur said.

"I will be able to get in! They won't see shit!" Tubbo protested.

"Can you two shut up? Trying to concentrate. Oh, and I got the guard outfit, lucky it fits." Techno grumbled through the com.

"What, exactly, are you supposed to be doing?" Tommy questioned as he spotted said pretentious art thing against the wall. Plenty of tiny ledges to climb.

"Making sure you don't mess this up, Theseus."

"So babysitting."


"Whatever." Tommy grunted, eventually reaching the level. But he couldn't reach it.

"Bit of a problem, boys. I can't reach the level, the railings are too high."

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