blood was our inheritance

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When Tommy came home, he wasn't sure what to expect. His hand was in a cast and he'd be going to school online from now on, for fear of Dreamcatcher or any of his goons found Tommy.

When he first came home, he figured that he'd go to bed. Despite his stay in the hospital, he was bone tired. But he was sat at the dinner table, Phil and Techno saying that there was something important that he needed to tell her. Wil, Tubbo and Ranboo were there and Tommy couldn't shake the feeling that he was just kept out of a very big secret.

"Tommy, I know you've been looking for my... my wife. Kristen." Phil began. His heart dropped, fear rising like bile in his throat and he wanted to vomit.

"Look, Phil, I'm sorry-" Techno gave him a look that Tommy read as a warning. He must be in deep, deep trouble. He couldn't even imagine what Tubbo, Ranboo and Wilbur had to go through if this was his punishment. Or maybe his was worse because he started their investigation. He closed his eyes, bracing for the anger, for the yelling, for maybe a slap.

But nothing came.

"I'm not mad, Tommy." He wanted to jokingly say "you're just disappointed," but he couldn't find any words. His throat was suddenly so dry, too dry.

"I think it's good. I haven't even thought of Kristen in years and I'll admit, that wound is still there. I want to help find her but... But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about." Phil took in a pained breath and Tommy opened his eyes. Wilbur was looking at him with absolute horror in his eyes.

"I know you would know these names, Tommy." Phil said, a tone of seriousness in his voice.

"What names?" Tommy asked, confused.

"The Blood God and The Angel of Death." Phil said. Tommy's look of confusion was washed away with a overwhelming look of realization. "Me and Techno are the Angel of Death and Blood God." Tommy was shaking, with excitement or fear not even Tommy could tell you.

"You're those people? The founders of the Syndicate!?" Tommy said, even more excited. That's when Tommy realized he probably said more than he should've when everyone, including Techno and Phil, gave him a very odd look.

"How do you know that name, Tommy?" Techno demanded. Tommy froze, his throat going dry. Was he not supposed to know that?

"Well I just heard someone talking about it." Tommy lied once he got his senses back. "Someone in purple I think? I dunno."

That seemed to appease Phil, but Techno still gave him an odd look.

"That's all well and good, but what're we supposed to do about Mom?" Wilbur asked. Phil sighed, drumming his hands together.

"There is one place where Kristen might be." Techno said quietly. Phil whirled around to look at the scarred man.

"Techno, we're not going back there."

"Do you have any other ideas?" Techno said in his same monotone voice. Phil sighed, shaking his head.

"No, no I don't. Fine. Me and you will scope it out, but you four should try and stay in the house or not go to far, got it?"

"What, that's not fair!" "Where're you going?" Both Tommy and Wilbur protested.

"Tommy, calm down. You can't even go on missions with your hand, we're all staying here." Ranboo said, crossing his arms. Tubbo nodded in agreement.

"And if either of you think about sneaking out, I will throw you out of a window." Now that got Tommy's attention. For all Tubbo's nerdy geeky-ness, he was shockingly strong after insisting on Techno teaching him how to fight.

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