of the crimes of our fathers

384 30 21

It was supposed to be an easy run, just a drug bust. Tommy repeated that to himself as he crept through the vents. Tubbo kept updating on the people's positions and Ranboo had the police on standby.

He was just supposed to see the exchange and then the police would be on them in seconds.

That was the plan, but of course something happened. This time it wasn't even Tommy's fault.

It was the Dream Team's fault.

They were there, they were people guarding the damn drug exchange. Well, not all of them, it was only Centurion. But Tommy could only guess that Glitch or even Dreamcatcher were in communications with him.

"What're we supposed to do?"

"I don't know!"

"Shut up, I have an idea." Tommy hissed to his two team members. He crept after the people, who were still guarded by Centurion. When they split, Tommy quietly whispered what street they were going down for Ranboo to alert the police, which he is.

"Okay, come back Tommy." Ranboo whispered.

"Can't do, Eventide. Following a bigger fish."

"Tommy no. You will kill yourself."

"I can do this Kingmaker. This is our one chance!" Tommy hissed, tailing Centurion.

He followed him for a good while, even after many twists and turns. He needed to find out where the bitch lived, that could be important. He kept going weirder and weirder turns, but Tommy wouldn't stop. He needed to do this, for Phil.

He followed Centurion down an alley, but saw the man standing at the exit, a gun in his hand. Tommy's eyes went wide and he turned to run but Dreamcatcher was behind him. He was pretty sure that smile would be burned into his soul.

"I see you're the person who's been following us." Dreamcatcher said, approaching Tommy. He backed up, nearly into Centurion, who was still holding the gun. Fuck he was pinned.

"Look man, I don't know what you're taking about." Tommy grinned, though he could tell the two men didn't believe him. Centurion reached for his hands, grabbing his wrists while Dreamcatcher ripped off the mask.

He could practically feel his grin. The man moved maliciously, like a predator stalking prey. "You're just a kid, aren't you? Damn." He laughed, stepping to the side.

Centurion kicked him down to the side. He was just a silent brute, Tommy told himself as a foot was placed against his back.

"Let's make sure he'll have a real inconvenient existence. Hand." Dreamcatcher ordered, to which Centurion quickly complied.

Pain shot through Tommy's hand as the loud bang of the gun went off and the bullet tore through his hand and muscle. He screamed out in pain as Centurion kicked him in the stomach for good measure.

"Let's go, Centurion. Let's home the little bug has learned his damn lesson." Centurion crouched in front of Tommy, grabbing his face with one hand and lifting his head up. His eyes were forced to stare into those soulless black dots for eyes.

"If I find you sniffing around where you don't belong again, I'll make sure I take that hand." He spat, releasing Tommy and heading down the alley, vanishing. As they vanished, he heard a little snippet of their conversation.

"First the warehouse, now here. We might need to snuff him out quicker than I thought..."

Tommy screamed and cried until the screech of tires and the burning of rubber announced his friends arrival. Tubbo and Ranboo came running out to Tommy, looking at him with concerned eyes.

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