will you lead me?

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"Okay, we need to figure out a plan." Phil said. "Not now, but we need to strike back." Tommy nodded, leaning back in his chair. He wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying. He didn't need to, he wasn't allowed out. Same as Technoblade.

They were supposed to "hold down the fort" while everyone else went out and did the cool shit. Well everyone else but Kristen, she was staying behind too, but at least she had a choice in the matter.

Tommy stood up and went to his room before calling Nemesis.

"Theseus? Why're you calling I thought you said you have more time for recovery?"

"Give me something to do. Anything, seriously." A long sigh came from the other line.

"I can't do that Theseus. I know you're eager and you're talented but you got shot in your hand, kid. Me and Monarch agreed that we're not clearing you and if you don't stop this you're out. Got that Theseus?" Tommy flinched. He'd never heard Nemesis like this.

"All clear, Nemesis..." He said quietly before hanging up. Sighing he looked at the burner phone before putting it back in it's hiding place. If they weren't gonna let him take anything, he'd take it himself.

He went to the Pit, without his cast, under as much disguise as he could. He snuck down to the Syndicate's lounge and took out his lockpicks.

It was much harder with one hand, but he busted in after a bit.

"Alright, let's get something good." He mumbled, sneaking over to the files, thumbing through the Approved contracts. His heart dropped as he saw one of the Approved contracts.

Wilbur Soot.

"What?" He hissed, looking at the Reason of Assassination.

There was nothing there. He felt his blood boil as he studied the paper. There was a small note at the back that made Tommy feel sick.

i know you denied this, but do it as a favor for me would you?
- :)

Dreamcatcher. Nightmare. Dream. Monster. A fucking prick. Tommy crumpled the paper in his good hand before storming out, leaving the door ajar.

He took a cab home, silent. He didn't do as good a job sneaking out. He didn't care. He knew that Techno would be pissed and Phil would be disappointed and everyone could hate him but they needed to know.

He marched up the many, many flights of stairs, throwing open the door. Paintings that were hung fell from the wall as he slammed it shut, his cheeks hot with anger.

They were waiting for him.

Techno and Phil were on the couch. They both looked angry, but not as angry as Tommy.

"Tommy you better have a damn good explanation when Dream is trying to kill you-" Phil began, his voice pinched with restrained anger.

"Yeah I do." Tommy spat, throwing the crumpled ball of paper at his chest. Techno caught it and opened the paper. He could see the blood drain from his face as he read through it and passed it to Phil.

Tommy sat on one of the chairs, waiting for their response.

"Well we need to kill Dream quicker, if he's trying to pawn Wilbur's death on someone else." Techno commented and Phil glared at him.

"Techno." He said dangerously, "That isn't the point. Tommy snuck out, went to the Pit and is apart of the fucking Syndicate. That's the only way he could get down here, that's why Niki and Eret showed up there, this is a problem." Phil's voice was soft, ever so soft, but he was clearly trying to not blow up on Tommy.

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