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namjoon got back to the hotel around 10:00 am, jin was still asleep and his bodyguard was still sitting on the sofa just as namjoon had left him.

"did jin ever wake up?" namjoon asked. jongyul (seokjin's bodyguard) shook his head no. namjoon nodded before telling him he could leave. after jongyul left and namjoon was sure jin was still dead sleep he called yoongi.

"hello?" yoongi said through the phone. namjoon could hear shuffling in the background and light laughter from one or two other people in the room with him. "go somewhere private."

yoongi was quick to leave the room, jimin and hoseok didn't even notice him leave. "what's up?"

"i planted the bug, you can tell soobin to activate it now. also i found a way to find the moles. yin-yang symbols. i noticed it when i was walking through the warehouse, on either arm near the bend of their elbows."

yoongi took in the information and was ready to accumulate a plan to get them out. wooyoung was crazy and having his people take information from them and report it back to him was really bad. they both knew how hard it was the first time they dealt with wooyoung to drive him out of korea. it put a lot of his people in danger. having to deal with him again was probably 10 times worse.

the call lasted 20 minutes, with namjoon explaining the small things he noticed when it came to wooyoung. how many people he saw in the warehouse. what types of guns and products they had. and the most important thing was how no one even attempted to hurt him. that was going to come in handy some ways along the line.

he hung the phone up and walked towards their room. seokjin was still stretched across the bed asleep cuddling a stuffed white alpaca that namjoon thought was adorable. he smiled lightly and pulled out his phone once more to snap a picture.

"did you just take a picture of me sleeping?" jin said, eyes still closed. namjoon hurriedly put his phone in his back pocket. "what? no, why would i do that?" he said while clearing his throat. seokjin laughed a little before sitting up, he still held tightly on the stuffed alpaca.

"why'd you leave joonie?" jin asked with a pout. namjoon scratched the back of his head before sitting in the bed next to jin. he pulled the man back down into the covers and snuggled his head into seokjin's neck.

"i had business to take care of." seokjin nodded while playing with namjoon's fingers. his hands kept twisting the ring that was on his finger. the room was quiet and comfortable. jin was just about to get up but he heard namjoon's soft snores fill up the air. he playfully rolled his eyes before getting back comfortable under the covers and snuggling up to his boyfriend.

the first 4 days of the japan trip went like that, either going out, or sleeping in. they felt like nothing could ruin this trip. so after 4 hours of walking around and declining the surplus of calls they had received. the second they walked into the hotel jin threw himself onto the bed ready for sleep to take over. he was just about dozing off when jimin called him for the 5th time that night.

he reluctantly picked up the phone with his eyes still closed. "hello" he answered groggily. "hyung, why haven't you been answering my calls?" jimin asked, clearly irritated.

"because i've been out all day, did something happen?" seokjin asked, fully sitting up on the bed. "someone broke into your apartment. nothing was stolen but a lot of your stuff was broken. they also left dead animals throughout your apartment."

jin looked at namjoon before responding to jimin. "ok, we're going to try to hurry home as soon as possible." jin said, now earning the attention of namjoon. namjoon tilted his head sideways wondering why his boyfriend was ending their trip so early. jin frantically hung the phone before grabbing both of their bags to repack.

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