✰ 𝗂𝖼𝗄𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾

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-Sorry to say, she had a "not like other girls" phase. She was really just gay and confused about her feelings 😭
-She was also DEFINITELY a scene kid. Like, hot topic, bad eyeliner that she thought was thebomb.com, fingerless gloves, the BANGS... yeah
-In the same vein, she's the type that would pretend to be a vampire in middle school, maybe even hiss at people
-Always has chipped nail polish.
-She also doesn't moisturize or wear chapstick so her skin is always dry and her lips are always chapped.
-Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss

-Doesn't was this hands after peeing
-Asks "who's that" when you show him memes
-He's y'all so his pants are ALWAYS flooding... please go online and buy some decent pants I'm BEGGING you
-Blanket hog
-He has hangnails and super bit down nails
-Claps when the plane lands
-Wears tighty whities

-Minecraft boy
-Uses WAY too many emojis when texting
-He doesn't cover his cough, he just coughs
-He still dabs
-Got a virus from "hot milfs in your area want to meet you" pop up ads... more than once 💀
-Picks his nose... in public. Only when he thinks no one is looking, but like, still.

-Ok so first and foremost, it's literally canon that she walks around on all fours
-She's also a horse girl
-Used to play warrior (no pun intended) cats with Annie at recess and they'd crawl around on the playground
-She's a TERRIBLE texter. It's not malicious, she just forgets to respond and when she does it's super dry.
-Does not brush her hair regularly, it's so full of knots.

-BATHES in axe body spray
-He also uses 5-in-1
-The boys 🥶
-Overshares on social media
-Posts way too many thirst trap selfies that get like no interaction. It's the boys tryna hype him up... they're teasing him but he drank realize and just keeps going
-He thinks you can hold in your period

-Picks his teeth at the table
-Chronic athletes foot, please see a doctor
-It's because he doesn't wear socks with his tennis shoes 🤢
-He grunts in the gym
-He'll also lift weights that are too heavy if girls walk in to try and impress them but then ends up dropping them or hurting himself... baby no
-Warrior candidate!Reiner is a pickme boy. Not like the creepy kind, but he was that one boy in elementary school who always played with the girls and tried to clumsily ask them out. He deffo played warrior cats with Annie and Pieck.
-Soldier!Reiner flirts by annoying the crap out of you, like closing your laptop, taking your things, teasing you... anything to get you to notice/talk to him

-Pen clicker... and if he can tell it's annoying people he might just do it even more
-HAIRY HAIRY HAIRY. I'm talking chest, arms, armpits, legs, back, ass, toes... his entire body is fuzzy
-He's also a very sweaty person, that's why he's always shirtless. Like he needs to change his shirt at least once by the afternoon, he just sweats a whole bunch.
-Doesn't clean his ears... ever. That's why he's always scratching.

𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 | 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now