✰ 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝖽𝖺𝗍𝖾

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-My man Zeke is so head over heels for you.

-It's really cute

-Remember how he threw Eren Ksaver's baseball? It's Marley's national pastime, and full of special memories for Zeke. It's something he wants to share with the people he cares about 😭

-He takes you to a game one weekend, and when he picks you up he can't hide his excitement! He's like a little kid, it's adorable. He's so happy to be there with you.

-Wants to put his arm around you, but he's worried about crossing a boundary because it's only your first date

-That, and he knows he'll be up and down the entire game cheering (and booing!)... he gets really into it

-Playful teasing and trash talk between the two of you if you like opposing teams

-He catches a foul ball

-And when he kisses it before he hands it to you your heart MELTS


-Remember how he wasn't sure if it was cool for him to put his arm around you? Yeah, his stomach is full of butterflies and he's so unsure of himself.

-Not that he'd ever let you see that

-Tries to look cool and casual by running his fingers through his hair when he turns to look at you

-Smiling (or trying to smirk and failing he's such a dork) sheepishly, blushing a LOT, luckily for him it's mostly hidden by his beard

-"So, what do you think? Give us a kiss?"

-Speaking of blushing, you're bright red when you nod yes, not trusting your voice to speak

-He tucks your hair behind your ear with one hand and, in one smooth motion, trails that same hand down your jaw and up to your chin. He tilts your chin up to bring your lips softly to his.

-The kiss is short and sweet but it makes your head spin and your heart flutter

-His beard tickles you and makes you giggle, and pretty soon he's laughing too as he pulls away.

-If you're familiar with baseball, you'll have a blast cheering on your favorite team!

-If not, he's more than willing to explain it to you. As I said, he loves baseball and it makes him happy that you're taking an interest in it for him.

-Plus, it makes his heart swell with a weird sort of masculine pride to have a pretty girl hang on his every word while he talks about something he's passionate about. It makes him feel smart, sure, but most importantly it makes him feel seen.

-You're not talking to the War Chief, or Boy Wonder, or one of the strongest warriors Marley has ever seen; you're talking to Zeke.

-He knows you like him for who he really is, not what he has done or can do. After being used his entire life, he finds that refreshing.

-Definitely WOULDN'T buy you stadium food, no matter how much you beg.

-"That stuff is garbage, y/n, it'll make you sick to your stomach."

-Instead, he promises to take you out to a nice restaurant after the game. He's already made reservations, you know he plans ahead.

-Only the best for his girl <3

-Besides, you didn't get much time to talk during the game.

-Either you were too busy watching the game and cheering on your team

-Or you spent the entire time listening to Zeke ramble on and on about baseball, and the team, and the players, and criticizing the plays, and...

-"Hey ump, do you need to borrow my glasses?"

-You had a lot of fun with him, it was so cute seeing him excited like that.

-The restaurant he takes you to is nice, somewhere trendy and expensive. You can tell he wants to impress you, and it's working.

-As you eat, you start talking and really getting to know each other.

-He tells you about his family, his career goals, and his life dreams, and you do the same.

-He walks you to your door afterward, takes your hand in his, and looks deeply into your eyes.

-Your heart is racing, is he going to-

-"I had a great time with you today, would you like to do it again sometime?"

-Of course you say yes

-He really wants to kiss you again, but he likes you a lot and doesn't want to move too quickly and scare you off, so he settles for a kiss on the hand

-"I'll call you when I get home, y/n, we'll make plans for next time once I have my calendar in front of me."


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