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-Annie wouldn't want a pet originally, it's too much work and commitment. She's got enough to worry about on her own.

-But I can see her feeding a stray cat. She feels bad for it and, against her better judgment, gives it a few table scraps after dinner one night

-"Once" turned into "every night" and now the damn thing won't leave

-She pretends it annoys her, but she keeps feeding him and her friends notice he now has a collar

-She secretly loves taking care of something 🥺


-Bertl has a betta fish!

-He actually takes good care of it, so it's lived for about 3 years

-It lives in a 10-gallon tank that he's totally pimped out with plants and driftwood

-That fish is spoiled rotten


-Colt has two guinea pigs!

-He originally bought them for Falco, but Falco lost interest after a week so Colt took over their care

-They still have the goofy names Falco and Gabi gave them; Pancake and Pig

-He loves them so much


-Pieck would have a cat!

-Probably more than one

-All of her cats have people names

-And she'll say things like "Frank and Louise were so naughty last night, they kept waking me up," and people think she's talking about her human children lmao


-Porco is a dog guy through and through

-He'd probably like bully breeds; American Bully, English Bulldog, or even a rescued bully breed mix. Something tough and sturdy.

-He's definitely given it a dorky name that he thinks sounds cool. Something like Cujo or Skullcrusher or Manslaughter

-Too bad for him, his dog is super friendly with everyone, even strangers, not at all the intimidating image he wants to project


-Reiner also has a dog but, unlike Porco, he has a scrappy little mutt

-He never planned on getting a pet in the first place, but he was up late one night, and that ASPCA Sarah McLachlan commercial came on, and, well...

-He went to the shelter the next morning and asked for the dog that had been there the longest

-Her name is Izzy and she's his best friend!

-He spoils her so much! She has more toys and treats than she could ever possibly need, she gets table scraps with just a flash of her puppy dog eyes, and they even have matching sweaters!

-He takes her everywhere with him. His favorite thing to do is take her with him on long sunrise hikes


-I feel like Zeke would be into herps, especially lizards, newts, and salamanders

-He'd probably have a whole room of them

-He loves learning about all of their individual care needs and observing them in their habitats

-I can also see him enjoying cats

-They don't need a whole bunch of attention, and it makes him feel special when he wins their affection

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