✰ 𝖼𝗎𝗍𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝖽𝗈

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-Has a photo of the two of you as her homescreen. Technically, it's several photos, she made a collage.
-The first time you saw this, it took you by surprise - she's never been the type to be overly demonstrative or affectionate
-It's not that she doesn't love you, or that she's ashamed, she just thinks some things about relationships should be private. It's no one else's business.
-And she still keeps it private - her lockscreen is the same as it's always been. But her homescreen, the part of her phone only she sees (and sees very often, cell phone addiction queen) has her love for you plastered all over it.
-You don't say anything, not wanting to embarrass her. But you made a collage of your own for your homescreen. About a week later, she borrowed your phone while hers was charging. When she unlocked it, you saw the slightest hint of a smile grace her features.

-Bertholdt loves to slow dance with you
-It doesn't matter what song is playing, or even if there isn't any music at all. He'll take your hand in his, rest his other hand on your waist, and start swaying to the music.
-He's good at it, too!
-Sometimes he likes to show off to you. He'll twirl you around, or dip you - anything to make you giggle and blush.
-He loves when you rest your head on his shoulder as you're dancing. He's so tall that it's pretty easy for you to do no matter your height. It makes him feel like he's taking care of you. He'll probably use this opportunity to give you a little kiss on the top of your head 🥺
-If you start humming or singing alone to whatever music is playing, he'll join in. Bonus points if it's a particularly romantic song.
-For his birthday one year, you ended up taking ballroom dancing classes together. He told you it was the best gift he had ever received.

-Colt links pinkies with you!
-He can't be affectionate as much as he'd like when Falco is around, but he still wants you to know he loves you
-Like y'all will be walking along through the streets and he'll brush his hand over yours
-It's amazing how such a simple, chaste act could make you blush, but it does.
-You'll extend your pinkie, and he'll wrap his own finger around it.
-It's a small gesture, but it reminds you that the love of your life is right next to you, and in that moment, everything is wonderful

-You're cuddling CONSTANTLY
-Pieck has no qualms about PDA - she's ok with it if you are!
-Nothing gross or inappropriate, but things like hand holding, cheek kisses, hugs, sitting on each other's laps, etc
-Like Michael and Holly on The Office (jk you're not THAT bad... unless 😳)
-Sometimes you'll fall asleep cuddling together, and that's really cute.
-But y'all are also old so you wake up with sore backs and necks and shoulders because falling asleep cuddling is cute in theory, but always ends up being super uncomfortable :/
-But you're both good at giving shoulder/back/neck massages, so all's well that ends well!

-He let's you play with his hair
-If anyone else touches his hair, he'd throw down, but you're special to him, and he trusts you
-Besides, if you ever told anyone he could just deny it - no one would believe it anyway!
-Not only will he let you help him style it in his usual way; if you ask nicely, and he's in a good mood, he might let you do a silly style
-He'll roll his eyes and pretend to be annoyed as you put in half a dozen butterfly clips, or give him pigtails, but you catch him smiling to himself when he thinks you aren't looking
-He also loves to do your hair, and he's surprisingly good at it!
-It took him a few tries to get the hang of it, but he can do a mean French braid (Pieck let him practice on her lmao)
-Goals tbh - I suck at French braiding my own hair, and it hurts my arms. I need a Porco to braid it for me 😭

-You help each other get dressed!
-He helps you put on and take off your necklace
-He'll sweep your hair off of your neck with one hand before he works on the clasp. It sends goosebumps up your spine and heat across your cheeks every time.
-It's a bit tricky for him to work the tiny lobster clasps with his thick fingers, but he always manages to get it
-You don't mind that it takes a bit longer, after all, that's just more time you get to spend with your handsome boyfriend pressed up against your back and pampering you like the princess you are
-His princess
-He also likes to zip your dress for you.
-He'll rest his left hand on the curve of your waist as his right hand does up your zipper.
-You help him tie his tie
-He's able to do it himself, but your slim fingers resting against his neck and chest just makes him SWOON
-Sometimes you'll also button up his shirts for him
-He's taken to wearing button ups more often, just to feet your small, delicate hands on his broad chest
-It's not the most efficient way to get ready, but neither of you would have it any other way 💕

-Zeke remembers all of the little things that you like.
-If you tell him that Bojangles has the best honey mustard, the next time you go to his house you'll go to his house and you'll see that the fridge has been stocked with packets and packets of the stuff!
-If you tell him your favorite flowers every week, without fail, he'll send bouquet of them to you at work. He just loves to make you smile.
-He always writes something cute on the little card, too. An inside joke, a short love poem, or even just "I hope you're having a great day." He signs it with your nickname for him, secretly hoping it'll make you blush in front of everyone. He loves to tease you like that, even when he's not around to see your flustered reaction.
-He hates overly demonstrative PDA. He's a grown man, it's completely inappropriate! But when you're home alone together it's a different story. He's ALWAYS touching you.
-Not even sexually, like he'll wrap his arm around you while you're watching tv together, rest his hand on the small of your back as he walks past you, hold your hand across the table at dinner.
-Sometimes, if he's had a really long day, he'll lap his head on your chest and let you stroke his hair and rub his back. But usually he's the one pulling you close to him and holding onto you for dear life.
-If you tease him and call him clingy he'll pout for a bit but still won't stop.
-"I'll show you what clingy really is!"
-He says that like it's a punishment, but you're both thrilled with that arrangement.

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