Ch. Five

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Esmè got to work and groaned as she saw max. He was standing around waiting for her. She looked to him and rolled her eyes as he walked after her

"what do you want max?" Esmè asked

"what is going on with you and Tom clarkson?" He asked as she turned to face him and rolled her eyes

"not that it is any of your business" Esmè said as max looked to her and sighed "we had a thing I think I have a right to know" he said as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"you do. Do you? Well I think I should of known you have a girlfriend who you are treating like crap when I was sleeping with you, we hooked up a few times max and it is over, me and Tom have nothing to do with you, so leave it just because you think that you can come running back to me and I will sleep with you. Grace told me all over it and how you are using me to fire my mum well try again as this will never be your school so let it go" Esmè spat as she walked off as max looked after her and glared as he realised it would take more to get rid of rachel
Esmè sat in her classroom as Tom walked in and smiled "are you okay, you look tired" Tom asked as Esmè smiled

"it's all the sex" she teased as he pulled her close and kissed her. She smirked into the kiss and smiled

"I heard you and max had words" Tom said as she looked to him and sighed

"yeah he tried to have a go at me over us. Like he owns me when he has a girlfriend and I know he is using me to get to my mum and I am not going to do that to her, she deserved better than max Tyler trying to take her job" Esmè said as Tom placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he looked down at her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"it is going to be okay I promise, I have you, and I am going to look after you I promise" Tom said as she looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her, she kissed him back passionately and smiled as she rested her head into his chest as he held her close. He knew it was hard and how impossible it seemed

"we're going to be okay I promise" Tom said as he pulled away and smiled
Esmè smiled as she stood in the staffroom as grace walked in. Esmè looked to her and smiled

"are you okay"

"max and I had a fight and I don't know what to do over it. I just don't know if I can do it anymore" grace said as Esmè walked over to her and smiled as  she pulled her into a hug and smiled

"whatever you want to do, I am here for you and it will be okay" emse said but after all that had happened could Esmè be the one to support grace through her and maxs relationship?

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