Ch. Seven

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Esme got to work and stood in the car park as she saw Rachel and smiled

"hi mum" esme said as Rachel looked to her and smiled

"hi love how have you been" Rachel asked as esme looked to her and smiled

"I'm all good"

"has max Tyler been giving you any more grief" Rachel asked as esme looked to her and sighed

"don't he always. I told him we were over I didn't know over grace and I'm with Tom and he just doesn't listen and it is doing my head in" esme said as Rachel looked to her and smiled

"you don't need to worry he won't bother you for much longer. Max Tyler is bad news and soon he will be gone" Rachel said as esme looked to her and frowned

"why what's going on" esme asked as Rachel sighed

"your my daughter and he is bad news and I've seen how he is with grace and we can all do without him in our life right now. I am going to do all I can to get rid of max Tyler. You dint need to worry" Rachel said as she walked off as esme looked after her and frowned Knowing that she was definitely worried as she knew that she didn't want Rachel caught up in the drama with max
Esme walked into the staffroom and smiled as she saw grace

"hey you okay" esme asked as grace looked to her and sighed

"I don't know I mean things are a mess. Max and I had a fight and we took a break I thought I'd feel happier but I miss him" grace said as esme looked to her and smiled

"that's understandable but you took a break for a reason grace. You need time apart and you need to find yourself again as he seems to have made you into this girl who only cares what he thinks and I know you are more than that and you are more than max Tyler. Your a person not just his girlfriend and I know you love max I do not you need to use this break to work on yourself after everything" esme said as grace looked to her and smiled

"you know what I think that you could be right it will be okay won't it" grace asked as esme placed a hand on top of hers and smiled

"of course it will" esme said knowing she wanted to be there and help grace as much as she could and it meant finding herself again

Esmè lay in bed with Tom as they finished having sex. He looked to her and smiled

"you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm fine, I'm just worried over all that is going on. I want to be a good friend to grace and help her when it comes to max but it's not easy I mean you know he is max and he is bad news and I just don't Know what to think and we have history and it's a mess" Esmè said as Tom looked to her and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek

"I know it's a mess but it's going to be okay I promise" Tom said as Esmè smiled unaware of how max was soon going to be left fighting for his life

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