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Esmè knew how things were complicated. She knew how Max still hadn't told the police who had attacked him. She felt like he was doing it to mess with her head.

She knew how Max was manipulative. How he loved getting one over on someone. She just wanted to know who had attacked him. So she could get it off her mind.

Tom had been able to tell that she was distracted. And he didn't want that for her. He wanted her to be okay. And it was clear she wasn't.

Tom wanted nothing more than for Esmè to be how she used to be. Before everything that had happened with Max.

All both of them knew was that they were both sick of Max Tyler and his games. And one way or another, they were going to put an end to it.

Morning came and so Tom and Esmè were cuddled in bed together. Tom looked to her. "You okay? You're quiet this morning," he said.

"I'm okay. I'm just thinking about work. And how much I don't want to go. I just don't wanna deal with Max Tyler and how much of a jerk he is," she mumbled.

Tom smiled and kissed her. He could see how she was worried. And he wanted to change that for her. He knew how messy everything was. But he was going to fix things for her. Somehow.

The two of them walked into work. Esmè kissed Tom and walked over to Grace. She looked to her. "I don't suppose Max has said anything?" She asked.

"He's spoken to the police. So I don't know. Something is going on," Grace told her.

Esmè sighed. "I can't deal with this crap to be honest. It's too stressful and chaotic. I don't know what to do," she mumbled.

Grace took her hand and smiled. "It will be okay. I know it will. What's the worse he can do?"

"You'd be surprised. He could frame the wrong person. I wouldn't put it past him," Esmè mumbled.

Esmè was sitting in the staffroom. She looked up as max walked in. He looked to her and sighed. "Good morning."


Max looked to her and smirked. "Not thrilled to see me? I know you've been worried about me," he said with a grin.

Esmè rolled her eyes and sighed. She looked to him. "I don't need this crap Max. Do you remember who attacked you? Cause it's stressing me out."

"Why is it stressing you out? You're not the one who did it."

Esmè again rolled her eyes. She was sick of his mind games. She needed him to stop. She said nothing as she grabbed her coffee and walked off.

Tom pulled Esmè into his classroom and smiled. He looked to her. "Hey. You seem tense. What's wrong?" He asked.

Esmè sighed. She looked to him. "Max is doing my head in. His games are getting to me. I could slap him," she mumbled.

Tom kissed her and smiled. "Stop letting him get to you. You're easily wound up," he told her as he kissed her.

Esmè looked to him and smiled. Unaware of how Max was about to make one final attempt to ruin everything between Esmè and Tom.

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