Tuesday, June 8th, 2021 (3/3)

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I was determined to find that cat.

I checked my watch.

"but maybe another day.. hey George, did you wanna stop by the store and get some food?"

he looked up from his book.

"did you want to have a picnic?"

I laughed it off.

he got that really quick.

the trip in the store was full of smiles and laughs.

"Clay we definitely got way to much.. how much did it cost you?"

60 bucks.

"oh it's not that bad don't worry about it."

he stood on the front of the cart like a toddler. I couldn't help but smile.

the mountain was about a 40 minute drive form the store.

I had given George the aux cord. I wanted to see what his music taste was.

there was alot of different genres. how was I supposed to tell?

after a bit of joyful karaoke, we had made it.

the music faded as I pulled the key out.

the boy had leaped out of the car to see the view while I grabbed the stuff.

it had taken me a bit to set it all up, but by the time I was done he was still gazing.

I slowly snuck up to the left of him.

"Clay this is.. beautiful.."

he was at a loss for words.

"I had the same reaction the first time I saw it.."

we sat in a comfortable silence.

the lights from the city reflected off his eyes.

was now to soon?

"you ready to eat? I'm starving."

I snapped out of my trance.

"oh yeah!"

too slow.

we obviously didn't finish all the food. I let him take most of it home with him.

he had laid back with one arm on his side and one propping his head up.

I copied him exactly.

I was to tall for the blanket so my pant legs were slightly dampened.

"thank you for this.. I really need it."

I looked back at him and smiled.

"so did I."

I need to make a move.

my hand was slightly shaky as I rested it on his.

they were warm while mine were frigid.

as I continued looking up, he interlocked our fingers.

there's that feeling again.

we had sat for another 10 minutes with small comments on the sky.

"it's already nine.. you wanna get going George?"

he agreed and started helping me pack.

as I set the last thing in the car, I looked over to see George back by the edge.

now was the time.

I stood next to him and slowly snaked my arm around his shoulders and pulled him in.

"thank you."

it was all he could whisper.

now's your chance.

"hey George, I was wondering if you wanted to.. go to prom this week..?"

he looked up and tiredly laughed.

"of course I would."

that.. was alot easier than I thought.

the drive back was quiet. as I pulled up to the boys house, I go to nudge him.

"George? we're here."

he was out cold.


he had rolled over. I do t want to wake him up..

but we have school tomorrow.

I mean.. there's no cars in front of the house.

this is to risky.

I had grabbed his house key off him and went inside.

all I need is to grab his backpack and pray nobody comes home.

what would you do if there was a gross 6 foot teenager in your house at midnight?

after a few minutes of searching, I had found his room.


his room was covered with maps and books.

he must really be into astrology. good to know.

I had found his book bag and snagged it, but something had caught my eye.

a crunched up paper in the corner of the room, he must've barely missed the garbage bin.

I went to throw it away, but I saw a certain word on the paper.

Clay and love.

I didn't need to read it, but I didn't put it in my pocket.

all I could do was smile as I locked the front door.

today's prom day boys :]

Note to Self // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now