Monday, February 22nd, 2021

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I saw George today.

pretty as ever.

he wore a blue sweater with a lighter pair of overalls. the sweater looked a size to big. he had those classic sweater paws.


that's not weird is it?

it's a compliment! calling someone cute is a compliment.


he asked me to walk home with him today. he lived the opposite direction of my house, but I don't mind.

he was a fast walker. he always had this bubbly little pep to his step. he was almost skipping. I could hear his vans slide across the concrete with each step.

as we reached the crosswalk, he pulled my arm and took a sharp left.

"I- I thought you lived in the next block? there's no neighborhoods this way.."

I thought he was just a bit confused. he did just move here a month ago.

"no, I know where we're going. trust me."

trust me.

his voice was like honey to my ears. smooth and rich with his slight accent already starting to fade into an american one.

"I trust you.."

I whispered under my breathe. I prayed he didn't hear, and it seems he didn't. that would've been awkward.

shortly after, we arrive at a small cafe. it's hidden behind the big business buildings. there's nobody inside.

"I found this place the other day and it's my absolute favorite! I hope you don't mind me pulling us aside,"

"no of course not!"

I go to open the door and hold it for the shorter boy. he smiles sweetly. I feel myself get warmer. as I close the door, a bell rings.

a shorter, older woman comes around the corner.

"hello darlings! what may I get you today?"

I look up at the menu lost. it's not hot outside. but I don't really feel like coffee.. and hot chocolate would make me sound like a child.

"I'll have a tall blonde roast, one pump of caramel, and one shot of espresso please."

the same thing he had that one morning.

she writes down the order on a small notepad and looks over at me.

"and for you hun?"

her voice is calming. she seems relaxed. it doesn't look like she gets many customers, so she must not feel over worked.

"I- I'll just have a tall white tea, please and thank you!"

she smiles as she finishes off my order.

"I'll have those out in a minute."

she slowly walks to the back and leaves George and I all alone.

"this place is nice isn't it?"

I focus back and look up.

"the plants with the dark wood aesthetic is really.. soothing."

I nod in agreement. it really is a perfect study cafe.. maybe I could ask him..

"here's your drinks boys. the teas on the right and blonde is on the left."

as I go to pull out my wallet, George is already slapping my elbow. I shake him off and hand her a ten dollar bill.

"well I never told you the price. it's on the house, please!"

I look at her, slightly confused, but comply. I still feel bad and leave the bill in her tip jar. she smiles.

I open the door once more for the other boy. I turn around to smile and wave. she does the same but with a wink at the end. I knit my eyebrows together but continue to walk out the cafe.

George and I were walking. it was only another five minutes of walking.

he didn't let me walk him to his house. just the outside of the neighbourhood. I smile and wave as I begin walking home myself.

as I go to take a final sip from the cup, I notice a black smudge on my finger. I didn't write anything..

as I look around to find the source, I see smudged writing in the cup.

"shoot your shot"

Note to Self // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now