Monday, June 7th, 2021 (morning)

2.9K 135 50

today's the day.

I've been dreading this all weekend. the worst that can happen is he'll say no.

but he wouldn't say no right? I mean look at all the signs!

he's totally into me.. right?

what if he's not. what if he's just being supportive in like a friendly manner?

am I getting ahead of myself?

maybe I'm to confident.

no, I'm just.. over thinking.


we haven't even been on a proper date why would he go to prom with me?


that's it! I'll ask him on a date sometime this week.

prom is on Friday. I have plenty of time!

let's see what does he like..

he likes books, coffee, cats..


I'll take him to the Cat Library in town!

it has all sorts of books from the ninety's and cats galore!

if the date goes well Ill ask him to prom then.

it will go well.

Note to Self // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now